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"Namjoon-ah" Seokjin called from the kitchen. Namjoon didn't bother to reply he simple just made his way into the kitchen knowing most likely someone did something out the way or food was ready.
Seokjin was leaning against the fridge staring Jimin and Jungguk down. "What happened?" Namjoon sighed taking a seat at their table.
Both boys clearly upset with each other start rambling at the same time before being shh'd by their leader who then sends a questioning look at seokjin.
"They've been fighting all morning like two children-over the stupidest things." He groans standing up.
"Your point? Im not their father theyre grown ass men-" His comeback was cut short by a look sent his way by the blonde before he exited the kitchen.
Sighing deeply before running a hand through his hair he looks back at the two sitting at opposite sides of the table. "You two look like two spoiled children who had a fight over a toy you both wanted." Jungguk huffs as Jimin pouts looking at his hands ignoring the maknae across him.
"Jimin." Namjoon calls in a tone they both know all to well.
"Jungkookie started it."
"Did not-" Jungguk begins to cut in before Joon raises his hand out to shush him.
Jimin scowls at the younger before turning back to Namjoon, "He got jealous because I told him you are attractive as fuck."
"Oh. Okay so stop fussing over nothing? Kookie why is that something to get jealous of?" "You know why." Namjoon follows that with a chuckle and gets up exiting the kitchen.
Jimin sticks his tongue out at Jungguk who rolls his eyes and mumbles "mine" only loud enough for himself to hear.

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