Knowing an Bit More

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By the next day I went off to Charlie house which wasn't all suprising when it's an manison an off to the rich side of L.A, instead of Charlie answering the door it was an old man with an gray hair on the side with the top of his head bald, he was wearing an suit an tie as he looked me up from head to toe with an questionable look on his face with,  his eyebrows raised thinking as if I steal something. 

''Your name?'' he asked with his arms around his back probably calling the cops 

But before I could even answer Charlie came down the steps with an small simile on her face her blond curls bouncing with each step she make. 

''Gabe hi'' she said while I just waved an give her an false simile but seeing through me she frown an gestured me upstairs to her room. 

Her room was just as I predicted it was tremendous with an poster bed on the side along with an huge window that exposed an blaconey as everything was neatly made. She step through me an sat on her bed patting the seat right next to her with yet to an false simile as she hold the script on her lap. 

''Would you like anything?'' she asked 

I shook my head no an sat on the computer chair as I hold the script in my hand 

''You ready?'' I asked she nodded as we pepare for the scene

When were done it was nearby nightfall the sky turn it orginal shade of pitch black with dancing stars. I headed out to Dylan car that have somehow brightened against the night I started the car an turned on to some random radio stations but before I head out I heard an knock on the window. It was Charlie with her brightened simile that was geniune this time I rolled down the window along with my eyes. 

''I was thinking that we should hang out'' she said 

''Any somehow you thought I was going to say yes?'' I asked 

Charlie shrugged ''I figure it was worth an try'' 

I looked at her for an moment seeing her eyes twinkled with an bit of hope an her convicing simile and overflowing long hair. To be honest I haven't been asked out by an lot of girls not even before I meet Tiffany but yet somehow with Charlie I couldn't quite understand of how the answer that I given her and more importantly the response she gave, when I just shrugged an said ''Sure'' 

She gave an quick simile as she opened her door an got in she quickly and dropped something beside her but I couldn't make out what  put on her seatbeat as if she afraid that I'm going to change my mind. ''Where to?'' I asked ''I just give you the directions on the way'' 

We stopped on an empty street with litearlly  no cars anywhere nevertheless people but I could still hear horns blasting, people laughter during the night.And from afar I could see people walking across numerous of streets some with frowns an others with simile. It took me an matter of mintues to figure out that were on top of an skyscraper. 

''Beautiful isn't it?'' Charlie said looking at the view right next to me 

I shrugged ''I guess'' 

''Nothing amazes you doesn't it?'' Charlie asked with her arms crossed 

Again I shurgged but chukled as I hear her sigh reminding me back when my mom will ask that same question to me when I was little. But yet my dad will laughed an always say that someday when I got older something or someone will spark my interest. 

''Does anything sparks yours?'' I asked that came out like an whisper 

''Alot of things'' she said with an small simile ''Like nature just seeing the trees an breathed the earthy air smelling the fresh sea'' 

''What about acting?'' I asked 

She wrinkled her nose like something digust her ''What do you mean?'' 

''Don't most actors an actress act because they love it?'' I asked 

''Some do an some don't but I act because I want to'' 

''Want to? or have to?'' I asked still looking at the view 

An for an moment there was silence that have rested between us the sky have fallen even more an the streets were quiet they only thing loud was the stars as they seem like dots far away. 

''I got something for you'' Charlie said opening her bag which shows an ancient camera ''I figure it will be best for you since you do film an all'' she gave me an small simile as I took it 

''Thanks'' I said flatly 

And with us standing underneath an dark sky I took an snap of her just glancing at the bright hopeful stars. 

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