3. Restraint

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Kennedy POV:

After I had heard about Scott and Stiles being arrested over Jackson I went straight there. Telling my parents I was going to Alison's. I arrived in the sheriff station and rounded the corner to which the deputy told me Scott and Stiles were, they all knew me here cause of how close I am with Stiles. 

When I came around the corner I could hear Melissa attempting to punish Scott. "No tv!" She ordered. 

"Mom, my tv's broken." He poked a hole. 

"Then no computer!" She retorted. 

"I need the computer for school." Scott said slowly, knowing Melissa was running out of options. Stiles had now come around the corner on the other end of the hall, waving to me in the process. 

Melissa had spotted him. "No Stiles!" She smirked, knowing there was no getting out of that. 

"No Stiles!" Stiles gasped. 

"No Stiles!" She shouted, Stiles pulling himself back.  "And no car privileges, give me your keys." She said as she held out her hand. Scott handed his mom the keys and she began to fiddle with them I walked past and over to Stiles while Scott and his mom had a moment.

"What is going on with you?" His mom asked, her voice was broken and almost a whisper. "Is this about Alison?" 

"Do you really want to know?" Scott asked as he looked into her eyes. Stiles began shaking his head frantically. I grabbed his hand, scared that Scott was about to tell his mom the truth.

In the time it took Scott to decide whether or not to tell his mom the truth she had come to the conclusion that it was about his father, she told him she was going to get the car and they would talk about it at home. "I am the worst son ever." Scott sighed as he came over to me and Stiles. We turned around in the door way to see Jackson's dad shouting at Mr Stilinksi. 

"Yeah well I am not exactly winning any prizes either." Stiles told him. I noticed that our fingers were still intertwined but it looked like he needed the support.

"Unlike me who is the best child ever!" I laughed, trying to get them both to lighten up. 

"Kennedy your in the police station to meet your two best friends who are in here for kidnapping someone." Stiles brought me back to reality. 

I thought for a second, he did have a point. "Yeah but my parents think I am at Alison's and what they dont know wont kill them!" I laughed. 


Isaac POV:

"So why do we need their help?" I asked Derek as I followed him. 

"Because it is harder to kill and we still dont know who it is." Derek said, as though it was common knowledge. 

I shrugged. "And they do?"

"They might. Thats why I need one of you to get on their good side." Derek told. 

"Scott or Stiles?" Erica grinned. 

"Either." Derek nodded, showing he could not care less. 

Erica looked at me and smirked. "What about Kennedy? She is bets friends with both of them and Isaac has a major crush on her!" 

"Leave her out of this!" I warned before informing Derek about the full moon which is fast approaching.


Kennedy POV:

I had decided to go to Coach and explain my absence in his class the other day as I had found out he did in fact notice. I was walking down to his office when I spotted Alison talking to the photographer guy, Matt. 

Kennedy Blake ~ Teen Wolf Fan-fiction~Where stories live. Discover now