o n e

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t a y l o r

" Shit! Oh god, I'm gonna be late! Why didn't I hear the alarm though? I am so cleaning my ears next time " I rant to myself, rummaging to my already scattered clothes, trying to find my uniform.

I've never been late to something for my whole life. What happened to me? I'm always chill when I wake up, and now? I looked like I'm fucked up but still trying to chill.

" Chill Taylor! You got thi- holy shit I don't! " I shriek in horror, a strike of adrenaline rush through my whole nerve cells when I saw the clock, hanging on my wall - pointing it's small hand on seven and it's big hand on eight.

How am I suppose to go there when I take fifteen minutes bus and I only have twenty minutes left? should I prepare myself on getting some shitass excuse to my crackhead manager?

" Holy crap Taylor " I murmur, stuffing all I need inside my bag, and running down through my creaky apartment that'll probably fall apart when somebody kick it. I immediately saw a cab driving it's way to me, I stretch my hand to hail it but it didn't stop - it drives past me - splashing the disgusting water on my lower body.

" Just.. fucking awesome " I said through gritted teeth, wiping the stains off of my jeans and shoes.

My eyes roam to the cab, on the parking lot. Maybe I can convince him - because if I couldn't my boss would probably kick my ass when I get there late.

" Hey pal, do you mind driving me to  British Airways? " I said, looking at the man who's smoking inside the cab, he looks at me with I'm-resting-don't-you-see look. I sigh in annoyance, drivers these days. " I'll pay you fifteen dollars " I rose up my eyebrow as he looks at the fifteen dollars on my hand. He looks at me then at the dollar bill again before nodding and trashing his cigarette on the ashtray.

" Jump in. " he exclaimed, taking the fifteen dollars from my hand way too harsh, but I don't mind it, as long as he can take me in time. " Can you drive a little faster? I need to get there immediately. " I said, putting on a pleasing face.

" Sure! that'll be plus three dollars "

I frown, I'll never get to the Airlines without spending too much. I blink a few times shoving my hand into my pocket, fishing a five dollar bill - slamming it right through his cheek. " What the hell is your deal, crazy lady? "

" Take me to British Airways as fast as you can! "


" Hey! Oh god- did I make it on time?  " I breath, gasping for air - putting my hands on my knees, breathing hard. " You did, but what are you wearing? "

My manager looks at me, with a scrunch nose - she hates when her employees looks unpleasant and smells gross. " I woke up late, I'm just gonna hit up the bathroom to change "

" Taylor, " Anne Frank, my manager called before I could even make a step to the bathroom. " Yes? " I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

" Go change, after that - meet me at my office " she commands, turning her heel on me. Gosh, I just spend twenty fucking dollars on that cab and now, I'm meeting my half demon manager. great.

" I forgot to bring my lotion, oh god. "


" Okay " I agreed.

Anne just told me that I'll assist a boy band named, only direction? I'm not quite sure if that's right, she was very happy to tell me that news - she even looked like a chesire cat when I entered the room.

She frowns, " Is that really just your expression? " she whined, rolling her eyes - oh now I get it. She's so happy about it because she likes the boy band.

" What? you're expecting me to jump and scream? I don't even know them. "

She looks at me in disbelief with a little bit of shockness in it. " What? " I ask, her creepiness is getting under my skin.

" Never mind, just get ready and get your ass on the plane "

" Which plane though? " I scratch my head, " Flight 13! You dumbass! "

h a r r y

" Ahhh.. "  I let out a yawn, stretching my arms - hitting Zayn's perfectly quiffed hair. " Dude! What the hell? " he groaned, styling his hair back.

" I'm so tired, I can't wait to sleep on the plane " I once again yawn, rubbing my eyes to keep them open - while walking to the airport with a lot of body guards on our side. " You're always tired Harry " Niall spat, looking at me.

" Whatever "


" Finally! " I shout, claiming the seat next to the window, " Just wake me up guys " I remind them, they all nod as usual, doing whatever in hell they're doing.

I close my eyes, and all I know I fell into a deep slumber.


" Hey, hey. Harry. " Zayn shakes me, waking me up from my sleep. " What? " I said groggily, rubbing my eyes open. " Do you want something? the stewardess will be here in a minute "

" Ok, I'm up. Thank you. "

" Hey sir, what would you like? " I heard a feminine voice somewhere, I think it's the stewardess, I look at the direction where it's coming from - I can't seem to see her - because she's bending down assisting someone. All I can see is her - dry legs. ew.

" Look at her legs " I said, but quickly regret it when the stewardess looks at me, she's gorgeous and hot but her legs is just ' nah-uh '. " Do you guys, want something? " she ask, giving me a death glare.

" Seriously though, do you even use lotion? " I snap, looking at her legs then at her - she's looking at me with fuming anger but still keeping it cool. " Oh come on Hazz, stop it. " Zayn whined, putting his hand on my shoulder.

" Sir, I'm here to serve passengers like you, I'm trying to be nice as I can to people like you. My legs doesn't concern you in picking what food you want. So just pick a food, so I can get the hell out of here. " she snaps, making me chuckle. Zayn looks at me with that mockingly smirk.

" What's your name? " I ask looking at her, she take a deep sigh - rolling her eyes. " Again sir, I'm as- " I cut her off by standing up and placing my hand on the pin name that's right in her left side chest.

" Taylor Swift " I smirk at her, she looks at me with an irritated look. " Creeper " she mumble, walking away from our seat.


written by : Faye Smith (-inverse )
edited & posted by: mxsaichearts


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