SOL...YWMA [Ch. 37]

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Previously: Long story short, Cory is beyond pissed at Isyss because she was "calling" Mark in front of him (Quentin's doing). Quentin had been attempting to play a blunter, less lovable Cupid. When Cory storms off in a fit of rage, Quentin tell Isyss that Cory is in love with her, which Courtney confirms and.....that's about it.

Chapter 37

Where did he go? I've searched all through this house, yet there's no trace of him. I sighed and placed my hands on my hips as I walked back and forth in the upstairs hallway.

He's in love with you.

Those words have been replaying in my mind for the past ten minutes. As I walked toward the window that was at the very end of the hallway, I sighed again. The sky was slowly but surely darkening with every passing minute. It was that weird, orange color that let everyone know the sun was setting.

I could see the trees' leaves blowing wildly in the wind. I glimpsed around the back yard. Standing here gives me a clear view. I crossed my arms and just enjoyed the scenery.

He's in love with you.

Quentin's voice is on repeat and I can't seem to turn it off. Is it true? I know he admitted it to Courtney but, he's yet to mention it to me. It seems unreal. Cory being in love almost sounds ludacris. I shook my head. No, there's no way. There's no way at all. And hell, even if he was, he sure isn't now; not after what I just did to him.

Cory may come off as head strong (which he is), but he's also very in tune with his emotions. He's never been one of those boys whom pretended like they didn't have a care in the world. He's never been one of those guys that act like nothing phases them.

If, in a moment, he doesn't care...then nine times out of ten, he honestly doesn't care. But, in a moment where he does care...he really cares. For instance, in high school, Cory was a player...or a man-whore, as I use to call him. I laughed softly as I remembered all the names I use to call him because he slept with so many girls.

But anyway, in high school, he didn't play any sports, he didn't go to that many of the school functions, and he didn't volunteer for anything. Despite all that, he was the most popular, and wanted guy in the building. He didn't belong to any sort of catalog. Hell, he was in a league of his own. He was the smarty pants, but he also was the idiot; he actually had average grades like C's and B's.

He definitely wasn't the goody-two-shoes, but he was the delinquent, either. Actually, now that I think about it, his only flaw was that he was a ladies man. He had girls at his beck and call.

Everyone knew him. Everyone wanted to be with him, or be like him. He just had that aura about him that drew you in. His eyes. His eyes and his smile. His eyes, his smile, and his voice drew you in.

Same as now. Cory's still got it. But he doesn't use it to his advantage like he used to. Back then, he knew he could get any girl he wanted, so, he got any girl he wanted. But now, he's grown up. He's not stuck in my player ways like most guys who refuse to let go do. Some guys refuse to let go of their "glory days". But not Cory. Cory's not a teenager anymore.

He's a man.

A man that owns his own restaurant.

Owns his own business.

Don't get me wrong. He's still as cocky as ever. He still knows what he's capable of. He still knows that if he wanted to, he could call any woman in his contacts and she'll come over as fast as she can. And trust me, I've seen his contacts. There's plenty of woman in his phone for him to choose from.

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