Im so lazy it hurts

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I really don't know how I can be so lazy yet so energized at the same time. like I know I have to get stuff done but....... I just want to do those typical girl things like dancing terribly because no one's watching. Big out on junk food regret it later (at the same time not really caring because it was so worth it) and watch Netflix and listen to youtube. But I find it really hard to enjoy it when I know I have so much stuff to get done. Did I tell you that I'm the world's worst procrastinater (not sure how that's spelled or if I'm even close lol) I do more in the last hour than I do the whole day. I feel like I have accomplished nothing but making me feel worse by not doing anything and yet I can't seem to care anofe to actually get up and just get it over with. Lol I pretty much have to talk my self in to getting up and start doing what ever I have to do. The sad thing is, once I have started for an example like cleaning I can get it done under an hour or two so I pretty much wait all day when I could have finished it at the beginning of the day. I sometimes don't understand myself sometimes.
So I would like to post this pic lol because I could definitely someone like this lol

 So I would like to post this pic lol because I could definitely someone like this lol

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Definitely need a friend like this lol 😂😂😂

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