Zombie Raid

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Skarks P.O.V

When I was coming home from the mineshaft I had a ton of useful things, I had a lot of diamonds, iron, coal and useful things. The weather was a little chilly but I didn't mind the weather at all. When I was coming home I saw a horde of zombies at my house and I left my dog Shakespeare at home because I didn't want him to get hurt while I was mining. So I ran to my house and pulled out my diamond sword and killed every zombie there is. When there was no zombie in sight, I walked in my house and saw my dog in the right hand corner sitting on the floor shaking in fear so I came toward him and staring petting him to get him to stay calm. When it became dark, I decided to close the door, lock it and close the blinds so no mob could see us. When I was getting ready for bed I just realized that I forgot to feed my dog Shakespeare so I did then went back to my bed to rest. When I woke up I heard a crash from my back woods. That was weird I thought so I got up from bed the I walked out of my bedroom to my backdoor. I walked out of my house to the woods and I pulled out of diamond sword. You may never know what's in the woods these days. So I walked in deeper into the woods then I saw a big creature it looked like a (A/H) so I walked closer to it and I gently poked at it to see if it was dead or not. When I poked at it, it woke up instantly and it started growling at me. When I looked at it the creature whipped me with it's strong tail, it nearly knocked the wind out of me and I landed on the ground, I thought I was a goner because the creature put it's big tail on my chest and I could nearly breathe. Then I remembered I still had my diamond sword with me and it was still in my hand so I stabbed my sword into the (A/H) tail and it cried out, that was my chance to be free then I threw a knock out dart from my pocket at the (A/H) shoulder, then it cried in pain a little but it finally calmed down and fell on the ground and it slept peacefully. I gently pulled out the dart and put it back in my pocket and put away my sword. " nighty night (A/H) " I knelt down beside the (A/H) and it had a strange collar, so I looked and felt the collar and it felt leathery and their was something on it that says (Y/N) under her name that also said where she came from. She looked beautiful, I never ever seen a beautiful (A/H) in my life. I wanted to help this (A/H) but I didn't know if it was trained or not even though it had a collar on. So I called up my friend Nick so he can help me carry this (A/H) in my house. Nick decided to help me carry (A/H) in my house and I told him to put it in the guest room and lay it down.

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