Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


Why did I have to like him? Why did he have to like someone else? And why on earth am I hanging out with this kid? We've been looking at calculators for ten minutes. I rolled my eyes and slipped my phone back into my pocket before tapping Chase on the shoulder as he leaned down looking at the calculators. He flinched as he felt me tap his shoulder.

"What?" He mumbled as he continued to look forward.

"Chase." I said, trying tiger his attention. He sighed and looked up at me.

"Bree." He said, mocking my tone. I rolled my eyes.

"We've been looking at calculators for like-"

"A while, I know." Chase said as he stood up. I glanced at him in confusion as he smirked back at me.

"What?" I asked worriedly. He laughed and took my hand.

"I was just trying to see how long you'd stand there. I bet like five minutes." Chase said before he led me down the way. I stopped abruptly as we reached the end of the isle.

"Why would you do that to me? I was standing there like an idiot while you were just looking at stupid calculators!" I asked. Chase laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist. He leaned in close.

"It was a test." Chase whispered before walking the other direction. I stood there for about a minute before I realized what had just happened.

"A test for what?" I called as Chase continued through the store. I raced and caught up with him.

"Just a test. You'll find out later." Chase said simply. I sighed.

"Why?" I mumbled. Chase whirled around to face me.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Just the same question I asked you earlier." I replied with a smile as I continued walking. Chase shook his head and caught up to me.

"If it helps, you passed." Chase whispered. I laughed.

"I don't know what test I passed, though. Or what this so called test gets me? Do I get a prize?" I asked sarcastically. Chase laughed.

"Yep. The same prize you get when you find out who I like." Chase said. My eyes widened.

"Does me passing the test get me another clue?" I asked hopefully. Chase stopped and thought for a second.

"Sure. What have I said already?" He asked. I smiled as I began the list that I've collected since yesterday.

"She's in our first class on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. She's the "best girl". She had a boyfriend who wasn't good for her, but has suddenly become available. And, she didn't like you, but now she does." I ranted. Chase laughed as he heard the last one.

"Alright, I can tell you something. This girl and I used to hate each other, but now, we're actually pretty close." Chase explained. I stopped as I let his words sink in. Who else hated Chase but me? I could feel a frown forming on my face.

"Who else hates you but me?" I asked as I followed him into the toy isle. He laughed.

"Someone. You're getting closer." Chase said as he picked up a hola hoop and threw it over his head. In seconds he was hola hooping. I laughed and picked one up, attempting to imitate his actions. I had never been able to hola hoop.

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