chapter 8

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Dre's p.o.v

"What the hell are you doing here", I stared furiously at Tatyana.

"I'm here to pick up where we left off before that old witch intervenes".

"I don't want you he-
As if on cue, the door busted open, and in walks the goddess that has been in my mind ever so often.

"YOU AGAIN!", Tatyana shouted at her.

Maria just looked at her, like there was nothing wrong and a smirk appeared on her lips.

Honestly in my mind, I was stunned, the grace she portraits even in the most awkward and displeasing positions, she was an absolute outstanding actress.
Not many would dare talk like that in my presence, but she did, twice for that matter, she treated me like an ordinary person, which was surprisingly comforting. Everyone else I knew treated me as if I were royalty,  never even dare talk up around me and I was so accostom to what actions I got from them that it came naturally until I met her.

"Good morning", I greeted her warmly, but most of all because I was always mesmerised whenever she was in the same room as I was

"Good morning,  Mr. Carter", now staring at the other woman in the room as if to say be aware.

Tatyana took a step back.

"So you are a maid", tatyana mocked with a slight smile.

"Be quiet, woman, now would you LEAVE!",I command.

"it's ok, Mr. Carter", Maria strode pass me tapping me on the shoulder.

"Now look here missy, it is too early in this beautiful morning to be dealing with a make belief Halle Berry, I make an honest living, and just what do you do dressed like that, I'm a bit confused, are you a prostitute or a slut, maybe both", maria calmly said to her now getting to work .

"Why you li-", tatyana tried to get to her but I held her back.

"Leave now before I make you", I firmly said to her.

"You on this little witch side".

Before I knew it I was dragging her to the door. Slamming it after throwing her out.

Turning to the presense that brings me unusal joy.

"Hey", putting a smile on. "How are you?".

She sighed.

"If you don't want her, then why encourage her?", I was taken aback by her question.

"I don't", I assured.

"Hmmm", was all I gotten. I'm guessing that was the end of thia conversation.

"Besides I got my eye on someone else, someone right in front of me", I took fast steps just to reach her. I hate the distance that was amongst us.

She was corned against the wall.

No where to run.

I looked deep in her eyes, wanting to read her soul since it was so easy to do with other females, but with her nothing.

Was she my cryptonite?.

I kept asking myself.

"I want you", I whispered softly in her ears.

She didn't respond, she jusy stared right in my eyes.

"Can I-I kiss you",my voice was now fumbling but I managef to pull off that question. I've bin wanting to taste her lips too long now.

Thinking that she would of push me off and decline what I want. She didn't she nod in acceptance.

Our lips were inches apart.

I could smell her. She smelt really good. Strawberry and raspberry combined.  It was intoxicating.

Her heart beat matched mine.

As if we were already one.

Our lips met, hers were so soft, sending me in a trance, making my body heated darm, first time in my life I've ever had lips like these, I sucked them with hunger and passion.

Taste her coconut flavored tongue.

Exchanging saliva.

As if my life depended on this kiss.
I didn't want to let her go. How can I after this, I wouldn't rush her either, she's a keeper. I can tell.

My manhood didn't do much to secure me either.

I could tell he was really hard, against her stomach.

Gosh. I really wanted her.
I've never needed anyone this much iny entire life. It was always a hit and run.

But with her. It was different.

I wanted her. All of her.
Even with that beautiful daughter of hers.

Trapped in the sweet embrace of her lips. I lost myself. I fought so hard to back away.

She kissed back. Soft moans escaped her, as our tongues dance together as if they were routined.

Then I stared in her eyes. There were sparks.

What was she doing to me? What were all these feelings?why was she occupying so much of me, from the very moment I laid eyes on he?.

We just stood there just stuck im the moment of each other gaze.

She felt so darm good in my arms.

"Have dinner with me", I asked never leaving the position I held both of us in.

"I-I can't", she stared away.

"Why not? ",

"Emelia I- I cant just leave her alone",

"Bring her", I persuaded.
"7: 30 I'll pick you both up.

She simply nodded.
I smiled.

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