Chapter 1

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(Updated - New part "The Letters)
A young man is sitting in his basement brewing some potions, when he faintly hears his name being called from the outside, "Claw, Claw" he hears from upstairs, "Ugh, who is it at this time in the night?" He mutters under his breath.

"Who is it? I'm trying to sleep!" He replies furiously, there is a brief moment of silence before he gets a reply, "Ugh, you do know it's almost 10... in the morning..." He runs upstairs and sees who it is, it's only Kat, and her younger sister Kit, He stands there, fatigued from a lack of sleep, "Yeah! Can we come in now?" Kit adds, "okay, sure" Claw replied.

Over 10 hours pass and Kit is starting to get tired, so Kat decides that they should leave, "Bye guys," Claw called, "yes, goodbye Claw!" They both replied. Claw swiftly started to walk back downstairs into his basement and went to try and sleep in a bed he had made there when he was younger.

After what seemed like a lifetime, Claw eventually found himself fast asleep, but this was not a dream, no, it was horrible, he sees dreadful things, he sees people dying around him, a man talking to him and he sees a girl, not an ordinary girl, but a girl driven by an unknown force, Insanity? Evil? Who knows? But worst of all, he sees himself, holding a sword, the sword that killed his grandfather, in his hands, up to someone's neck, a man, a man with a metal around him, with what seemed like pieces of string flying around him, why were they making a zapping noise? why was he trying to kill this creature he had never met? all of a sudden with a jolt Claw sat up, it was all a dream.

"Huh, what's going on?" Claw said to 'himself' he felt like he was being watched and no matter how hard he tried he was unable to go back to sleep, and that's where he saw it, a figure standing in the corner of his room, where he saw a man, the man, from his dream, "Who are you?" Claw asked, the mysterious figure disappeared in a flash, and within an instant, Claw had passed out.

Kit & Kat
Two young girls are in a small backyard out at the back of their house, the younger one is drawing her sister who is practicing her sword techniques on some dummies. 'One day... one day I'm going to get into the eternal army!" Kat grunts to herself "one day... I'll show them!" She starts to hit the dummy harder until she chops off its head, "Kat? You should take a break, you need some rest." Kit exclaimed, "I need to keep training Kit, you know this!" Kat sighed,

Unbeknownst to the sisters, Claw had been watching them the whole time, "well, you should know that you should rest, your legs look like they're are about to give way..." Claw explained, Kat turned around as fast as lightning and in an instant, holding her sword towards Claw's neck, "Never try to surprise me, ever!" Kat exasperated. "Heh, Well, if I didn't surprise you, you most likely would have collapsed" Claw replied. "Yeah right... I can train all day if I want to!" Kat scoffs.

"Claw!" Kit yells, running up to Claw giving him a tight hug, "heh, hey Kit, how ya been?" He replied awkwardly. "I'm good, but something is wrong with Kat, but I can't figure out what...." Kit whispered. "Want me to go and talk to her?" Claw asked, Kit nods and looks down at the ground, he pats her on the shoulder and turns and walks towards Kat.

"Kat?" Claw asked awkwardly, "we need to talk, come on, we can go up and rest at that old cave system we found a while back" Claw added.

Kat stops training, and looks at Claw "what is here even to talk about? You know almost everything there is to know, because last time I checked-" Kat asked, but was cut off by Claw, "Yeah, yeah, we're childhood friends, still, that doesn't mean that I don't know EVERYTHING about you, something is off, and I need to know what it is that is troubling you!" Claw explained, Kat shakes her head in disbelief "fine, I'll meet you there in a bit, I need to put my gear away" She sighs.

The Abyss: The Beginning - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now