Chapter 1: The Big Day

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Rachel had woken up that morning with the biggest knot in her stomach. The day had finally arrived. The day that had taken them over a year to plan. The day that was planned to perfection. The day that she was marrying the love of her life. She was so excited that she could feel her heart beat quicken at the thought.

It was an early morning for the both of them, though they didn't get to sleep in the same room that night. Under Kurt's rules, they couldn't see each other until the wedding. Rachel was glad that Kurt had helped with the planning, but, as always, he had gone overboard. She never thought that so much detail could be thought of, except Kurt had thought of it. Though, she trusted him throughout the entire process. Since she and Finn began dating, Rachel became best friends with Kurt. They had so many common interests like their love for theatre, arts, Broadway, that it seemed as though they were destined to befriend one another. Rachel grinned as she thought that she and Finn must have been fate. How else could they explain that instant connection that they had felt when they first met?

Her grin grew as her memories went back to how silly she was around him when she attempted to be so professional with him, completely oblivious that he felt the connection as well. She rolled out of bed, and threw on a robe. Rachel knew that the second she walked out that door, it would be mayhem. Kurt would be pulling her around, making sure she looked perfect for day of her dreams. She took a deep breath and then swung the door open, throwing herself into Kurt's hands.

Finn was sitting in the room that Kurt designated for him to stay in. He hated that Kurt insisted on he and Rachel to be separated for so long, but he couldn't argue with his brother. There were so many emotions rushing through him at the moment, that Finn felt like he was going to vomit. He knew he wasn't getting cold feet, but he did feel anxiety. This was a huge step; no matter how ready they were. Finn knew that he loved Rachel with all his heart and that he couldn't imagine life without her, but marriage was a scary thing, especially when his brother was planning the wedding. Finn still didn't understand why he had let Rachel give Kurt permission.

Suddenly, Finn heard a knock on the door. Without permission, the door swung open.

"Hey man," said Blaine with a grin.

"Hi," mumbled Finn

"How are you feeling?"

"Little bit nauseous, honestly," muttered Finn, his head in his hands.

"It's going to be fine, Finn…wait… you're not getting cold feet are you?" inquired Blaine, obviously worried.

"No! No! I'm just anxious," defended Finn, his head shooting up to look at Blaine's.

"Just checking. Kurt would kill me if you ran off," teased Blaine, nudging his shoulder.

"Hmph," grumbled Finn.

"Come on Finn. Put a smile on that face! You love Rachel right?" asked Blaine, getting an instant nod from the man sitting next to him.

"Then there is nothing to be worried about! Today is about you and Rachel. No one else. When you go up, just remind yourself that you are finally going to be able to call her Mrs. Hudson," lectured Blaine.

Finn sat there in silence, absorbing what Blaine had said. He was right. It's an honor for him to be able to call her his wife. She was perfect; the girl of – no, the woman of his dreams. This was no time to get anxious.

"You're right, Blaine. Thank you," replied Finn, pulling him into a brief hug, "I'm lucky my brother found a good guy like you."

"Speaking of your brother, I need to go check on him. He's probably going Kurtzilla on everyone," joked Blaine, while getting up to leave. They both let out loud chuckles since they wouldn't be surprised if he was behaving exactly like that.

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