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Aurora's POV

I woke up to someone nudging me. My eyes flutter open to meet a pair of emerald orbs staring at my golden ones. "AHHHHH!!" I jolt up screaming, the other person giving a small scream too.

"Aurora! It's me Petra!" she said calming me down while I curl into a small ball under the covers. "P-petra?" I peek out and sigh in relieve. "Get dressed and We'll get breakfast. Go on, I'll make your bed" She said smiling at me.

I slowly get off the bed and take a bath. I put on the white blouse then proceed to strap the rather uncomfortable straps. The skirt was next and finally my jacket.

I walk out only to have Petra staring at me and squeal "You're so cute!!!kya~!", "Thanks, Petra-san" I said with a smile. "Though, I might need to fix your hair....." She comment.

I just notice that my long waist length hair is.... well untouched. She grab a comb, pins and ribbons. "Oh dear...." I yelp as she walks towards me in a quite sinister way.

~After 15 minutes of Petra dealing with my hair~

It was kinda beautiful actually, the up-do is really elegant and keeps any strands of hair from getting on my face.

"Oh yeah! Corporal Levi, Eren and Squad leader Hanji had gone out to investigate about the two titan test subjects that were killed" she explains while we walk to the dinning room.

'Oh' was all I could say. Inside the dinning room, Oluo is trying to act like the Corporal but is falling miserably, Eld is reading a book while Gunther picks his food with a fork.

I grab my breakfast which is a plate of omelette along with Petra. I take a seat next to Eld, the three males notice my presence and stare at me.

I could feel my anxiety self awaking, and shift uncomfortably. "Is that your uniform?" Gunther asks, I gave him a shaky nod.

"Damn, you're cute" Oluo comment. I look at him questionly. "Don't you even dare to ask me what does that means" the look on his face was really scary! Without thinking straight, I lunge and cling to Eld

Normal POV

"Oluo!!" The other three members of the special OP squad hissed at the Levi-wanna-be man. "We're free to do what we want till corporal gets back" Gunther said.

Aurora suddenly remembers that she hasn't give Levi's cloak back! She excuse herself and dash to get it. She neatly fold the cloak and puts it on her desk for the time being.

She then found herself staring blindly at the wall while lyong on her soft bed. Her eyes advert to her survey corps cloak hanging in her opened wardrobe.

A brilliant idea to murder boredom pops into her mind. 'I hope this won't cause me trouble' she hop off her comfy bed and head towards the castle warehouse where she found exactly what she need. Paint.

She somehow was be able to carry a few buckets of various colours of paint with her. Setting them down, she start with her windows

carefully using the paintbrush, she paint plant vines and tiny dots of flowers around each window. She then proceed to paint her name on the bed mast in cursive writing with red paint.

She turn to the wall on the right side of her bed. She paint a picture of a person.............. two more........... four more......and done. It took her a while but she did it.

In the middle was herself in her uniform, Levi and Petra are on her left and right, Eren next to Levi, and Oluo next to Eren, Eld next to Petra, Gunther next to Eld. Hanji was behind her, in between Mike and Erwin.

She took a step back to admire her work, 'perfect' she thought. She turn to the wall opposite the one she was just done with and thought about what would she paint.

'I can draw the Wings of Freedom crest!' she thought to herself excitedly. She grab green paint and start painting the base, but once she was halfway through, a ginger woman just had to step in.

"Aurora, the corpo- What in wall Maria?" She look at the painting of her squad along with Hanji and the two others. Aurora didn't even notice she came in, in fact she's too focused on painting the crest to notice her surrounding.

"Petra, Is there- Oh...." Eld asks and step in to find himself astonished as Petra. Soon Oluo, Gunther, Eren, Hanji and even Levi, Erwin and for some reason Mike is in the room.

All of them watch as Aurora paints clearly didn't know she had an audience. The redhead girl paint just another dab of blue paint and..... "done!" she said and lost balance on the chair she was standing on.

She had to use the chair since she was like 137cm tall. "Ahhh!!" she scream and waited for the impact but it never came. Blinking her eyes, she met Levi's piercing steel eyes looking straight at her.

The Humanity's strongest soldier had saved her from falling. Levi put her down and look at the Finnish artwork. "Tch, what can you not do?" he mumbles to himself but Aurora could hear it crystal clearly.

"OH! Aurora sweetie, you have so many talents!" Hanji said hugging her tightly. "Aurora, I need to discuss something with you" Erwin said turning to the short girl.

"Y-yes?" the girl shutters before stepping away, keeping her 6 meters distance. "I want you to form a squad of your own", eyes widen and mouth hang open "You want me to have my own squad?!"

Aurora's POV

This was definitely not what I expected, I just got here for like........two days and now he wants me to lead a squad?! "Sir, I can't possibly-"

"Aurora. I'm asking you to not just form any squad, your squad would be the Attack squad" commander bushy eyebrows said looking straight at me in the eye.

"Attack squad?", "In the survey corps we have a few different squad with different jobs. Your mother's is the experimenting squad, Mike's is the look-out squad, Levi's the Special OP squad while mine is the strategist squad"

"Then what's the purpose of my squad?" I asks, Don't tell me it's "You're squad is the Attack squad, which makes your squad the one that'll be in front lines when it comes to fighting titans"

And that just cross the line, I tense up and rush out the door. Ignoring their shouts, I ran to the warehouse and hid inside a big closet filled with brooms and cleaning supplies. Panic attacks are never fun

I was breathing heavily and my heartbeat is so fast, I felt like it could explode any moment. I try to inhale and exhale to calm down, but the more I try the more negative thoughts surface in my mind.

' What if I'm not a good leader? Or they became annoyed of me cuz I'm so younger than them or I couldn't save them if they're in danger?' images of possible scenarios plays in my mind.

Without realizing, I pass out into darkness

Levi's POV

"Aurora! Come out already!" I shout once more, all of us are searching for her. Hanji was practically beating the crap out of Erwin for scaring Aurora too much.

"Tch, what a waste of my time" I look around and found myself in the warehouse. Suddenly, I heard faint sounds, it was coming from the cleaning supply closet.

I open the door to see Aurora lies on the closet floor unconscious "Ugh, she sleeps too much" I complain under my breath and pick her up bridle style for the third time this week and carefully carries her to her room.

Closing the door, I told them that I found her and Hanji tied up head to toe to keep her from bothering Aurora's slumber.

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