The girl with the starry nights in her eyes

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The breezy night sky with a bright, glowing crescent moon along with the rest of the visible stars. A young lady in dark navy blue and a wine red ribbon in her soft, raven-black hair looks up longingly at the sky, letting out her inner thoughts to the universe in hopes of anyone or anything comforting her for what has happened in the past.

Her past is among her again, however she only hoped to overcome it once more.

Five years ago, 1954
In a wealthy Victorian style household, a family enjoys their dinner and time together and chat about casual things
"And he said," her father stated. As he was about to continue, a maid meekly informs the family about someone at the door that claimed he was here for important business.

"Bring him in, and we can discuss this in the library,"the father commanded.

"Of course, lord Arveyus," the maid replied.

As she turned around, a smug look overcame her face as she walked out into the corridor to fetch the guest. The father warns the family and tells them that he must deal with him and goes to meet the guest in the library. Elisa, the oldest sister, decides to finish dinner early and go to her room, near the library.

What a grave mistake that was...

Father is still 'chatting' with the guest, although it's been a few hours since he was last seen again. It's late, everyone is in bed, but the youngest in the family can't help but have a nagging feeling that She must investigate their conversation.

She sneaks out of her room and tip toes down the hall, careful not to step on any loose wooden floorboards that might cause noise. The library is quiet and the door is left open ajar. She peers inside to find...

The sight of red oozing from her father on the floor....

She runs to her father and helps him onto the chair. He is barely alive at the moment but still well enough to speak a few words as he shakily points a finger towards the eldest sisters room, across the hall with the door closed. "He's in her...please Maryanne,"

With that said, the father passed away in the chair she cherished so dearly as a child

Running in the dim lit darkness, Maryanne reaches her sister's bedroom within seconds but is too late. Her senses were fill with blood.
She smelled the fresh rotting flesh of her sister as she was sliced from the throat. Maryanne's sights were filled with blood. The strange man who harmed her family disappeared and she is left with her dead sister in silence.


It stayed that way for several minutes... until tears began to stream down her face

She ran and ran, out of the house until she couldn't see it anymore.

Her face is now full of tears and sadness at remembering how she came to be to her current place, in a breezy field in the middle of the night. As Maryanne looks up into the rather bright night sky, the stars seemed to twinkle in the reflection of her eyes.

The sound of footsteps crunched in the grass not far behind her. Her blood ran cold as ice. She grew pale as she must face the outcome of the incident she faced years ago. Having to face the murderer of your family members wasn't an easy feeling.

Maryanne pulls out her dagger, clenching it tightly. She takes a deep breath and turns to face her opponent, the man who ruined her life, five years ago.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2016 ⏰

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