Gladion x reader

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Y/n = your name
H/c = hair colour
H/l = hair length
E/c = eye colour
P/t = Pokemon team
P/n = partner nickname
P/p = Pokemon partner

He never thought about anything else then making him and his partner Null stronger.

That is...

Until you came along.

You with your amazing battling skills, you're caring nature and dazzling features (in his opinion at least)

The frustrating thing was how much time Gladion spent thinking about you, how you're very existence made the blonde consider every decision he's made since he left Aether Paradise and joined Team Skull.

He wanted to change for you, he wanted to be with you all the time and protect you from any harm that might come you're way even through you'd be against it (you're an independent 11 year old hehe).

When you, Gladion and Hau stormed Aether Paradise to rescue Lillie from the Aether Foundation, and how Gladion was bested by Guzma the boss of Team Skull, he was angry, angry that he couldn't become stronger and watched as you defeated Guzma with your team of p/t. You battled with elegance and confidence as your partner p/p followed every command given to it with ease.

It was clear to him now why he was so entranced by you and what he feels for you is more then simple adoration and infatuation

It was love (cliché af I know)

Gladion loved everything about you. You're dazzling h/l h/c hair, twinkling  e/c eyes (wicked body though he would never say it aloud he 11 for Arceus' sake!) 

He even waited for you at the base of Lanakila Mountain to be the final battle before his beloved would enter where the Elite Four dwelled.

When you saw him however, the look you gave him was different to all the other times you'd seen each other. This one was full of respect and your soft e/c eyes were filled with happiness for reasons unknown to him.

It was when you beat him did his dream come true. You wrapped your arms around him waist and pulled him close to you in a tight embrace, he was shocked at first.

The girl who had been a rival and friend to him was HUGGING him and he hesitantly wrapped him arms around you're waist in return. The two of you stayed like that for what seemed like hours and when you finally let go of him and softy brought your lips to his cheek, his heart exploded with emotion and stood there stunned, vibrant green eyes wide in shock even his mouth was hanging open a bit.

You chuckled and walked by him, whispering a 'thank you' in his ear before he snapped and let you walk away with the intention of healing you're Pokémon at the Pokémon Centre, Gladion, in his emotional state grabbed you're wrist and spun you around to face him and pressed his lips against yours in a messy kiss (A/N: he's 11, ya can't blame him for not being an experienced kisser c'mon jeez).

He didn't give you any time to kiss back when he abruptly pulled away, flushed face and sweaty palms ready for your rejection when he heard laughter instead.

Light giggles from your mouth shattered his heart into a million pieces, but he was surprised again when you hugged him. The laughter had ceased and unknown to Gladion, you felt the same way about him.

"What? Youre not doing a good job at the whole let me down easy thing" he muttered and you chuckled again and pulled away to look up him with those sparkling e/c eyes that entranced him so.

"I'm not letting you down easy Gladion. In fact, I'm not letting you down at all it's just amusing how long it took for you to kiss me that's all" you replied, amusement laced in your voice.

The blonde boy let out a small 'tch' but you knew him well, through the many battles you grew to learn more about him, which is where you're feelings spawned from. His brave personality and kindness toward Pokémon and when you went into the room where you found the files on Type: Null, you were both angered toward the Aether Fountain and touched that Gladion had the courage to defy his own flesh and blood for the protection of his partner.

"I love you Gladion" these words were what brought Gladion back to reality (A/N: oh there goes gravity... I'm gonna stop right there)

"I'm sorry I took so long y/n" he replied, and you smiled one of the smiles that made Gladion weak in the knees.

"Well it's going to take a while for you to make it up to me" you said cheekily and a smirk found its way onto Gladion's face as he leaned down, pressing his forehead against yours.

"Name your price"

"Weeeeellll lots of battles, food, oh lots and lots of tacos, cake, pocky, chocolate-" he didn't give you time to finish before swiftly claiming your lips and this time you responded, kissing back and when it was over, you pulled away dazed and grinning like an idiot.

"And lots of those too... lots"

"Oh don't worry, there's going to be a lot of that"

~Extended ending~

Unknown to the newly made couple, Lillie and Hau witnessed the whole thing and it took all of Hau's straight to hold the blonde back from screaming and ruining the moment while Hau took out his camera and snapped a few pictures he'd use to blackmail you for malasadas later but he gave you your moment and while he was distracted, Lillie was already over there next to you and Gladion, fangirling and exclaiming just how long Gladion had liked you for before Hau conveniently pulled her away.

A/N: sorry if this sucked, I just thought of it literally while I was writing this...

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