chapter 1

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let love in,

chapter 1 

--- Chad's POV ---

*grrrrr* my tummy rumbles, "Ehhh, hey Claire, I'm just going out to hunt I'm hungry! do you want me to get you anything on the way out?" I shout down the halls of my house, well mansion but I hate calling it that because it feel's like I'm bragging about having money.

"No thanks sweetie I should be good" she chuckles walking back into the room, "OK i'll be back in a couple of minutes" I smile walking out of my house and speeding my way through the Forrest.

*grrrrr* my tummy rumbled once again "shut the fuck up you little shi-" I stopped yelling at my stomach  when I smelt the most amazing scent in the world.

"mate." I whispered to myself, as i took off sprinting into the Forrest, I watched as the tree's flew by me  they looked like bur's in a book. the more I ran, the stronger the scent got, it smelt like strawberries covered in chocolate, I decided to use my wolf speed to get there faster. I could feel the crisp cold winter's air whipping my face as i ran threw the Forrest.

I kept on running through the forest dogging all the tree's and ducking under the branches, until I started to see a girl with brown hair, she was covered in her own blood and she look's around a year younger than me. that's when I smelt it, the blood. it's not just any blood though, it's the blood of a vampire, I stared into her crystal baby blue eyes and saw fireworks go off into her eyes . She jumped back in surprise

"No. no! you can't be! you can't be my mate! your a wolf!" she screeched limping away from me. "you and me both girlfriend" I replied sarcastically, I looked at her cuts and bruises, picking her up bridal style.

"what do you think your doing!?" she said squirming out of my grip, she almost dropped to the floor but I caught her just before she hit the ground. "ahhh! be careful!" she screeched gripping on to me for dear life

"oh shit. I think I'm going to have to take you to my house to get treated for those nasty wounds" I said using my wolf sped back to my house, on my way i kept thinking about her, I don't even know her name. what if she doesn't like me back just because i'm a wolf...? I mean I do get why she is upset it's aginst the law for werewolfs and vampires to be together,

I got to the house 2 minutes later I kicked open the door "Claire?! john?!? where are you? can I have some help please?!" I yelled into the house. I placed my mate on the couch carefully trying no to hurt her.

"honey whats wrong?" Claire questioned running into the room "OH MY! JOHN GET THE FIRST AID KIT!" Claire screamed at John (her husband)

"what's happening?!? john yelled running back into the room with a first aid kit, "oh god chad." john gasped "holy shit. what happened?" he continued 

"shh!" I hushed him "not now. just fix her up and i'll explain everything." I said panicked "just help. she's my ma-" I was cut off by Claire

"AHHHHHHHH!" she screamed jumping up and down "Jesus chad now you've done it." john mutters "Claire honey calm down" john smiled sweetly, putting the last stitch threw.. I still don't know her fucking name.

"I can't believe you've found your mate!" Claire squealed squeezing me into a hard hug, "and you!" Claire squeals looking into my mates eyes "your stunning! and I bet your really smart! I'M SO GLAD CHAD GOT YOU AS A MATE AND NOT SOME WHORE!" Claire cheered dancing to herself 

"were going to be best friends! you know i've been waiting for this ever since his mother told me to take care of him!" she squeals,

" OK" my mate clears her throat, i can tell she's nervous.

"Honey not now." John hushed Claire, "Now sweetie. I know this is new for you and I can tell your frightened but could you tell us your name, basically just a bit about yourself.. what animal you are and who you are attacked by..?" John smiled

"My name is Mary Ivory, I'm 16 years old.. i have brown hair and blue eyes I'm a vampire and I think I was attacked by a rouge." she smiled lightly, Claire grinned "YESS! another vampire!!!!" Claire cheered jumping up and down like she won the lottery. what the fuck is going on?

"suck shit LOOSER!" Claire screamed holing her hand out to John..wait what? "DAMMN!" John sighed handing $250 to Claire...

Claire looked at me and saw my confusion she laughed, "when your mother first gave you to me. John and I made a bet on what the animal would be your mate. John said werewolf like you but I said vampire" she grinned 

"OK....well I'm going to take Mary to bed" I laughed, trying to take away the awkwardness of the conversation. it didn't work.. I picked Mary up bridal style and carried her up stairs, "chad. this can't happen." Mary sniffled a cry, "trust me i want to. i'll do anything for my mate. but it's against the law Chad were going to get caught i know it."  shaking her head in fear,

My heart dropped, "I mean the over lords, if they ever find out were dating they'll hur-" I cut Mary off with a short lingering kiss on her cheek. 

"if you don't fight for what you love, don't cry over what you lose" I smiled as she hugged me tightly laying down on the bed, she snuggled her head tighter into my chest. I chuckled "it will all be fine Mary. I promise" I smiled "I just got you. I'm not letting you go that easily" 



Hey guys x

Please read the book.. I hate to write books if no one is going to read them.. and that I usefully have 50 reads but 5 votes? how hard is it to vote just once? like I love you guys but it feels like I don't know when or if to write a new chapter because you guys never vote? dose that mean you hate it?

And on the topic of hate can you please not write hate in the comments? it makes me feel like crap and that I can't write.. yeah I might not be able to have a good way with words but that doesn't mean you can write mean things in the comments about my book.. it makes me feel like crap. 

Ok on a lighter note.

I got a mac book pro for Christmas. who's a happy girl?

* raises both hands in the air* 


Ok guys

Vote, if it's good please guys I need to know 

Comment, if you had a good day - I don't know why but it seems like a good suggestion :) and comment what you think about my book xox 

follow, if you have any time?

message, if you wanna talk about anything :) I love talking :)


- Charlie 



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2014 ⏰

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