A child born from a rich prestigious family, a family with high expectations. I was a Kagamine and a Kagamine was a born singer.
As Len Kagamine I was born to be perfect, born to be flawless, born to outshine the rest...Or that's just what my parents expect me to do.
Being in a family of Musicians I am expected to have talent, I am exptected to be knowlegdable, I am expected to follow my parents footsteps.
I was given the previllage to have everything I want, my parents spoiled me with their riches and I was basked with the praises that everyone threw at me as a Kagamine.
Wanting only the best for me I would be sent to only the most prestigius school no doubt. I can't even remeber the stupid d*mn name of the school.
It was a school that priorotizes music above all else, a school that many could only dream about entering.
I don't really care about what type of school I was to be sent to. I want a school that picks up my interest, a school that isn't boring, a school that would be fun to stay in. I wouldn't mind going there.
It certainly isn't my dream school but if the school can give me what I want I wouldn't mind going there and giving it a go.
Who knows I might just meet someone worth my time.Just kidding. As if that happens in real life, right?