Where's my Yoga Mat

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After finishing my fried chicken, I knew it was time to relive stress (and lose the 20 pounds I just

gained in finger licking chicken.) So I went and got my exercise DVD, and when I went to grab My

Yoga Mat There was just little microfibers everywhere. I realized something was wrong, "No" I

thought to myself "Its just the chicken I ate." So I went and got a towel from my hall closet and

Put it on the floor, turned on the TV and began to exercise "BUILD THAT ASS OF STEEL!" The TV

yelled with encouragement. "WORK IT! WORK IT! WORK IT!" As I did my ass ups, My feet and

towel slid around on the floor. "Only if I had my Yoga Mat." I thought, The the table moved with

a BUMP. A Pink worm that kind of looked like a sex toy slid across the floor, It was slick and

round-ish, Quite scary actually. I screamed like a little girl Screaming like she got Hannah Montana tickets for Christmas.

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