Why its you

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I didn't know that,that photo shoot will take long. Though I don't feel like tired or anything but knowing Xandro is waiting for me makes me tired.

His been sending messages and calling me complaining and all. As if I have the authority to  cancel or demand. Well, sort of I can but being a professional I can't just do that. Father and my brothers taught me to be professional at all times. And for that mere reason is enough to stay and wait till this photo shoot will end.

When I received a letter of invitation, I thought this could be my time to escape from him. But it's not. It's not I expected. I took a deep breath, holding my tears to fall. I feel my heart tightened and my whole being is covered with sadness.

When will you see me as someone special Xandro. Why it's you in the first place. Why you, when there are plenty of them around me. Why it's you that I cannot have. A tear escape in my eye. It's so hard to love someone that despised you, hates you most. I know he doesn't want me to be my company, nor my bodyguard. But my brother insisted that he is the most fitted person to be with me.

The photographer shouted that we're done. I sighed in relief. At last I exclaimed, his long wait is over.

I call him as I go down to the lobby. His not answering his phone. I call him again and still the same. I looked around and found an empty couch. I walk through it but before I reached the sit I bump into someone. His, yes a male. I almost fell in the ground but his quick to catch me. He help me sit on the couch and apologize for his mistake. He franticaly seeing me so pale,like I was lifeless. I am, if he only know. Vampires are lifeless. I smile to him and give him assurance that I'm okay. And that he can go, he hesitate for a minute but was obliged to do so. I think he has an emergency, I can see it his eyes and can even read it in his mind.

I call Xandro again and thank God he answers his phone. I took a deep breath before telling him to pick me up. I've waited for 20 minutes before he arrived.

I immediately stood up and went to him. I know his angry, you know that look that kills a thousand rouges? Yes that look is painted in his face. I smile though I know he wouldn't do the same and still maintain my composure not to be intimidated by his presence.

Intimidated? Yes I am,  ever since that day I confessed my feelings to him. I was too young back then. Too reckless and too immature. Remembering that moment,  pains me so much. And its unbearable that the person who makes you alive is the person who makes you feel dead.


I was drunk that time. Me and my friends are having a good time. Everyone too, we're celebrating my brother's birthday. It was a big party, everyone was invited. Our mansion was full of vampires, werewolves, witches and humans. Yes, we do get along with each other. Some of them knew who we are and some don't.

I saw Xandro talking to Amanda, my brother's closed friend. They we're like fighting or arguing. Then Amanda left him. I took it a chance, his alone. I think it's time for me to confess my feelings  and so I gather all my strength. It's now or never.

I walk infront of him. By looking at him, I saw sadness in his eyes and I didn't care.

"Yes? What can I do for you Dei?"

He calls me Dei like my father and brother's. I can feel it, see it in his eyes. He likes me like a sister. No I hissed. What Deanna wants, Deanna gets. And I can get him. Make him my slave. Make him want me. I'm too confident that he will be mine.

"Xandro, I love you." I said. He look at me intently without blinking an eye. He took a deep breath. Too deep that I couldn't figure out where it was coming.

"Your drunk Dei"

"No I'm not. I mean it. I love you." I said again. I was shaking nervously. Did he reject me?

"Yes, you are. You don't know what you're talking about." His tone change from being calm to being angry.

"You don't know what love means Dei" and turned his back on me. I was standing blankly. How could he? I am Deanna Dane Vegara. Does he know that? I run to him blocking his way.

"Do you know WHO I AM?" I raised my voice. He just rejected ME? And I can't accept it. No I don't want to.

"Yes I know who you are. And still I don't feel the same to you Dei. Not everything you want, you will get. You know nothing. Look at you a spoiled brat bitch! You've been playing games with your friends. All you do is what? Making out with different men? Spending your father's money like it doesn't worth anything to you. Immature. An immature spoiled brat!. Always remember this I will never love someone like you." And then he left me. Left me standing like an empty statue.

From that day on, I drowned myself working too hard. His right, I didn't do my duties,my responsibilities as a daughter of the most powerful vampire. All I did is play. His words pinned an arrow in my heart. He makes me realize that I'm not worthy to be a Vegara. To be an heiress.

"Dei!" I heard him say. His cold voice bring me back to reality.


"Did you eat?"

"Yeah, they give food for us." I smile weakly to him.

He opens the door for me. And went fast to the driver's seat. I told him to go directly to our hotel. I'm too tired to roam around the city. Maybe next time when I am not busy. The photo shoot is draining me physically  and his presence exhaust me mentally. Being too near to him breaks my heart into tiny pieces.  It feels like dying slowly, it's like your too near but yet too far. I sighed. I will move on and forget this feelings  for him soon.

Why it's you. All of people. Why it's you Alexandro Senn. This question keep running to my mind. Why? I closed my eyes. Trying to forget the pain. I can't be weak. I will not cry. I will not shed any tears again for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2018 ⏰

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