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A/N: The following is excerpted from THE MARAUDERS YEAR FIVE, Chapters "Tension in the Entrance Hall" and "The Time Thief" and "The Clock From the Mantel", for context to the story. This story may contain spoilers for THE MARAUDERS series if you have not read to these chapters.

The Lupin House was dark and quiet, leaves falling across the yard, autumn breeze making them scurry and cluster about. Newt Scamander stood at the gate, staring up at the dark windows, his fist clutched about his briefcase, Tina standing beside him with her hands buried in her pockets.

"Do you feel it?" Newt asked her.

Tina shook her head, looking at Newt's face as he stared through the side of his eyes at the house, his expression unreadable. "Nor do I," Newt muttered. He tightened his knuckles 'round the case handle and gnawed upon his lower lip. "I'm - uh - I'm a bit worried, about what we'll uh find. He was - he was a dear friend, you know. I hate to think... anything nasty of him..." He glanced at Tina, but even after all these years he had a spot of trouble keeping eye contact. Even with her. He looked down at the stones that made up the walkway leading to the house. "Hate to think nasty things... of anyone, really." 

Tina nodded, "I know." Newt's teeth rested on his jaw, which seemed to slightly quiver and Tina reached over, her hand touching his wrist. "Newt, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, yes," Newt nodded, "I'm afraid that I must if I intend to - to put this all behind me, the past, I mean... I'll uh, I'll need to know the facts."

Tina understood. She reached for the gate, "Then in you go."

"Yes," Newt nodded and took an awkward first step, "Off we go then." He moved forward, sliding through the gate and onto the walk that wound its way up to the front door, passing the great tree in the yard, his boots crunching over acorns and leaves. Tina followed, her wand drawn, looking around them with an expression of scrutiny. They climbed the steps onto the porch and Newt drew his wand from his pocket, leveling it with the knob of the door. "Alohamora," he said clearly, and there was the clicking of the locks, and he pushed open the door.

"Lumos," they said together.

There was an eerie air to the house, Tina wasn't sure if it was a result of Newt going on for the last couple of months about how he'd felt last time they'd been in the house, or if it was because she really felt it. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end and she inched closer to Newt's back until she was leaned against him, her chin pressed to his shoulder as Newt slouched forward through the dusty house.

"Newt," Tina whispered.


"I feel something now."

"So do I, yes." He nodded.

Tina didn't know if she felt better or worse knowing it wasn't just her feeling the presence. At least she wasn't mad, that was a perk, but if Newt was sensing it, then that meant there was something there. It was hard to tell by Newt's demeanor if he was frightened by the presence or not, but Tina certainly was. She drew a deep, shaky breath and inched along behind him.

Newt Scamander and the Werewolf PupWhere stories live. Discover now