Done. Fucking done.

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Im done with this bullshit. Im getting fucking tired of it. I was pissed off the whole fucking day cause I fucking woke up. To my little angel wanting to almost jump off a fuck cliff. NOW YOU FUCKING PAST MY DAMN LIMIT I WAS TRYING TO KEEP CALM AND NOT HURT ANYONE BUT IM SICK AND TIRED OF IT YOUR FUCKING CYBER BULLING PEOPLE OVER THE DAMN INTERNET!!  And get this. There both gay. They both date and they both are assholes who make others feel bad. Just know if she jumped off that damn cliff I was going to call the damn police and you know what I would have done. I would give them the names of who made her drive her self to jump. And I would let them find you. And now im going to call my friend and ask him to hack there account and im going to tell him to change their passwords so they can't get back in cause im tired of seeing the people I care about kill there self over other people. And get this one of the gay boys there just ugh and he is a fucking cheater to. I bet you he didn't tell his boyfriend that he forced Zach into having sex with him In pm and also many other boys to yah I fucking bet you he didn't. And I'm done. Fucking done sick of it. You better stop being mean to her SHE HAS BEEN IN THE FUCKING HOSPITAL ONCE AND THAT STILL DIDN'T FUCKING CHANGE YOUR MIND NOT TO BE MEAN TO HER WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU AND YOU BOYS KNOW WHO IM FUCKING TALKING TO THOSE DAMN GAY ASS FUCKING BOYS IM TIRED OF DEALING WITH YOUR BULLSHIT. ALL YOU DO IS FUCK EACHOTHER AND THEN AFTER YOU HURT SOMEONE. I WISH BOTH OF YOU FUCKING LEAVE WATTPAD GET EACHOTHER NUMBER AND FUCKING LEAVE IM SICK OF YOU TYPE OF PEOPLE I LIKE GAYS BUT I NEVER SEEN GAYS LIKE THESE TWO MEN. and now. All I am is going to say. Those boys. Don't fucking comment on this book. And they know who they are. If you want to talk I'll be in pm. Bye.

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