Chapter One

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I wake up from the sun streaming through my curtains, spring has literally just started and already the sun seems way too bright for my liking.

Maybe I should get black out curtains that might be better.

I groan pressing the palms of my hands into my eyes to rub away any remaining sleep before walking over to my window seat staring out across the giant garden and the wooden decking. My eyes skim over the pool watching the way the reflections dance around in the water before glancing at the pool house to the side. I sit there for awhile deep in thought, tomorrow is my first day at a new school. To say I'm dreading it is an understatement, I took a year off last year to then move here yesterday afternoon, a town called Hollowcrest.

I sigh trudging down the stairs, the smell of coffee fills the air making me head towards the kitchen. My mother, Charlotte Evans, stands in the large kitchen making coffee, she stands there humming pulling her shoulder length mousey brown hair into a bun before turning around to place a coffee on the kitchen island in front of me. My eyes sweep over her while she types away on her phone most likely speaking to clients about shoots, she's a photographer mainly working for big clients and businesses like Abercrombie & fitch, Calvin Klein and so many others I lose interest. All I know is that anytime mother has a photo shoot for some big fashion company to shoot the new collections or whatever she ends up sending me a load of new clothing home for some reason. I hear my mother huff noticing the frown lines on her face, theres faint purple bags under her eyes and her dark blue eyes look duller then normal but the flecks of silver still slightly shining.

"Your father wishes you good luck for tomorrow. He would call but he's just really busy lately." I just nod before taking a sip of my coffee, feeling the liquid go down my throat, instantly warming my body.

My father, Williams Evans, is pretty much always busy due to his work as well. I suppose being a big time property retailer takes up all of his time basically, I last saw him on Christmas and since then he's been engrossed into his work which is nothing new. He'll buy properties to renovate them quite frequently but he doesn't just stick to one place, he goes over the world for new properties to buy. Quite often he goes to countries that are poverty stricken, in 2010 he visited Haiti after seeing the earthquake all over the news, he visited Port-au-Prince after the earthquake had caused major damage. My father provided new houses for the people who had lost their homes due to the shocking events that happened, he also donated a lot of money to the people to help rebuild the area plus making sure the families that had been effected had a sufficient amount of food to survive. My father is a very generous man helping anyone who is in need, we all decided to do fund-raising for everyone effected in Haiti to help them through their hard time, we did food drives and sent a lot of packages including: food, clothing, toiletries, everyday essentials that they needed. Unlike my mother my father has champagne coloured hair with rich green eyes.

"So how do you like the house? It's nice isn't it."

"It's alright, bit big considering it's just going to be me here so not sure why I couldn't just stay in a hotel or something but no I'll just stay in this mansion of a house completely by myself." I dryly reply, my reply makes my mother put her phone down before releasing a breath.

"Honey you know we'll be here when we can but work is just crazy for both of us, you know that. You have a very decent life from all of our work so y-" I cut her off.

"Speaking of your work why are you here? Shouldn't you of already left or something."

My mother sighs saying her goodbyes before heading out grabbing her bag and keys on the way. I take my coffee going back upstairs to my bedroom, going back to my window seat. I'm in a new town with no friends or family what the hell am I suppose to do apart from die of boredom?! After finishing up my cup of coffee I decide to just unpack the last couple of boxes in my room.

Might as well do it considering I have nothing else to do right now.

After awhile of unpacking and arranging my room along with my walk in closet I sigh in relief that it's finally done, I check the time on my phone realising it's late afternoon.

What do I do now?

I could check out what's around but that seems boring without any friends. I scream in frustration before pulling out a long sleeved top and some sweatpants to throw on quickly. Sprinting down the stairs, i slam the front door behind me shoving the key in locking it before putting them in my pocket.

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So this is the first chapter! Hope you all like it. It is most probably a bit more but it was mainly to just give a bit of background to the main person and her parents etc.
Let me know what you think and if you like it feel free to vote or whatever! Thanks for reading!

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