Chapter three

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Oh god I think it's a knife, I'm definitely going to die.

I'm such an idiot.

The guys start talking but I try to pay no attention to the words coming from their wretched mouths. I close my eyes feeling the familiar warmth escape my eye, trickling down my cheek.

This has got to be the worse first day ever, I don't imagine it could get any worse.

All of a sudden a loud thunder like noise rung in air causing my eyes to fling open on their own accord allowing the tears to freely stream down my face.

"Your ruining our fun!" The first guy bellows at the shadows. I scan around to see a silhouette.

"Leave before I do something I won't regret." Another loud noise fills the air that's when I realise it's a gunshot noise, instinctively I fall to the ground noticing the guys hand has dropped from my mouth, trying not to scream.

Everything goes quiet apart from the sound of running feet hitting the pavement. Someone taps my shoulders causing my to scream as loud as I can. A large hand covers my mouth while their other hand turns me round so I'm left staring at big brown eyes which kinda remind me of mud pies.

I start to panic, my tears seem to be never ending. I feel like my heart is going to beat of my chest while I most probably look like a deer caught in the headlights. Dizziness starts taking over, clouding my mind and eyes as I try gasping for air but with the persons hand covering my mouth it's pointless.

I try pleading with my eyes when I hear a sigh, feeling the hand fall down from my mouth giving me the access to air that my lungs desperately need. I try gasping down air feeling a lot like what I imagine a fish out of water feels like. The sound of what sounds like wood scraping across concrete intrudes my mind.

Oh god he's going to shove me into a wooden box possibly chucking me into the ocean or something.

My imagination is wild, I scare myself sometimes.

A hand grips my shoulder pushing me down to sit on the wooden box.

"Head between your knees now." A loud voice instructs, I do as I'm told. After what feels like an eternity I can feel my lungs filling with air, my hammering heartbeat slows down a little. Keeping my head down I peak up to look at the person. A young guy stood tall maybe about 6'2, spiky platinum blonde hair, his skin being highlighted by the slow fading sun to a lovely bronze colour, his big brown eyes. High cheekbones with a chiseled jawline, well-defined lips. Even though I'm about 99% sure he's gonna kill me, I suppose he's pretty good looking.

"Panic attack I assume." I nod although I think it was more of a statement then a question.

"P-please d-don't hurt me." The young guy shakes his head giving a deep heartily laugh. The sound was surprisingly mellow and calming.

"If I was gonna hurt you don't you think I would of done that by now rather then help you through your panic attack?"

"T-thank y-you. I-I just wanna go home." I whisper wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Yeah no kidding. What the hell did you think you was doing coming here? You could of gotten yourself killed you idiot!" I start crying, realising the situation I was in fully kicking in. "You'll be alright, just call someone to come get you."

"I-I didn't bring my phone." He shoves his phone in my face. "I don't have anyone to call, I'm new here. Both my parents are at work. I'll walk."

"Because that idea was such a smart idea before wasn't it?" I hear him swear under his breathe before groaning. "Ergh come on." The guy walks a bit before turning around. "Hurry up and follow me. Now." I slowly get up hesitantly following the stranger. We walk around the corner to an almost empty parking lot. He walks over to a red and black mustang gt.

Is he going to steal a car?

I notice him putting his hand in his pocket to pull out a set of keys.

Totally not stealing the car then.
"I don't see how I can steal my own car, yes you said that out loud now get in."

Yup I'm an idiot.

I carefully pull the door open sinking into the seat, the engine roars to life before it goes flying down the roads. I stare out the window watching everything whizz by, thankfully I've stopped crying, well for now at least I have.

"Er mind telling me where you live?" I try guiding the stranger to my house thankfully he knew where it was roughly. I'm not sure it was a wise choice to tell a stranger where I live but I guess he had the chance to hurt or kill me yet he chose to help me instead.

Maybe this is just part of his plan to take me home to murder me there.

I'm being paranoid he's not gonna kill me, right?

After a short while he pulls into the drive stopping outside my house, I mumble a thank you and goodbye before running into my house, flicking the lights on as I enter to the emptiness. I walk upstairs to head to the bathroom, a glimpse in the mirror proves I look as bad as I feel. My normal purple eyes are now puffy that are bloodshot, a red nose from all my sniffling. I splash cold was over my face quickly before dragging myself to bed to lay down, within seconds I pass out.

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Let me know what you think and if you like it feel free to vote or whatever! Thanks for reading!

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