Dude..Lets Move To England!

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" But Caroline I can exsplain, please baby, listen to me! " I begged for my girlfriend to listen to me, well..soon to be Ex if I kept this up " no Cain, Ive had enough of your cheating, im done with you, we are no longer a couple, im coming by tomorow to pick up my things! " and she slammned down the phone, disconnecting me from her voice

" NO! " I yelled pressing re-dial about 50 times " this caller is un-available at the moment, would ou like to-" the awnser machine went off and I crashed the phone to the holder in rage " FUCK! " I yelled

" Why would you do this to me Carol, were mates...well..we have to be " I said to myself " girl got ya down bro? " asked Logan, my bestfriend " yeah..were kinda..not together anymore, but shes stopping by tomorow and she wil have to listen to me then " I smiled " dude I over herd the convo and yeah shes stopping by...to pick up her things though " Logan sadley smiled

" This will give you a chance to find your REAL mate Cain, you cant live with Carry forever because you two?..your not mates, your real mate is out there looking for you...shes probebly even hotter then Carry " winked Logan " nobodys hotter than Caroline, but thats my opinion " I said

" Will you get over her already?, I mean..wait...dident she say something about cheating? " Logan asked in dis-bellive 

" Yeah, I kinda...did this girl..once or twice when I was angrey with her " I looked down in shame, I was a horrible person, yeah...I cheated on Caroline..but only twice, she had forgiven me the first time which I was over the moon about but the second time ( now is the second time ) she obviously had had enough.

" dude...you know im your bro but this time?..im sideing with Carry, that was such an assey thing to do..I thought you were better than this " Logan shook his head " dont you dare leave me!, your all I have left now that Caroline is gone! " I yelled " okay man calm down, dont go all Alpha Male on my ass, im not leaveing you but im just disapointed in you, I swear I thought you were better than this mate, obviously I was wrong " said Logan

" I know..I need to find my mate dont I? " I asked Logan and he nodded " arghhhhhhh!, I hate being Alpha Male, I hate that I mest up with Caroline, I hate my life, your my only hope..but now I know how to get away from it all..start fresh " I smiled getting the house phone

" What you gonna do buddy? " asked Logan, yeah he calls me alot of things like bro,dude,mate,man,buddy,pall,bestie, ect, you name it and he would call me it, he even called me princess once which of-corse I slapped him for..hard, and it was a bitch slap.

" WERE moving to England to my parents mantion " I smiled, my mom and dad are rich, what can I say? " oh so now im coming to? " he smiled in dis-belive, "yep, we leave......uhhh one sec " I said phoneing up the butler at my parents Mantion in England " yeah..uh huh, okay sure..bye " I said hangign up " so?..." asked Logan

You could se pure exitment in his bewildered eyes 

" TOMOROW! " I shouted smileing my face off " yes! " he said giving me a high five " but dont you need your moms permission? " I asked " nahhhh, you know I live on my own, a bit like you, im a big boy now, I can handle myself. Im gonna go home and pack " he said " bye bro, be strong! " he made fun of me earnign him a clip round the ear "owww, sorry " he laughed and I did too

" bye " I said and he left, I should start packing aswell, I phoned up the people that I rent my house from and told them that I would like to buy it and keep it on reserve since im now moving to England and they said yes!, I also left a messege on Carolines awnser phone saying that I was moving to England and that all her stuff would be in the middle of the living room when she got her, I also said that she was NOT getting the house since I owned it now and for her 

...to go and FUCK HERSELF

She was a bitch anyways so I thought..why not, but I wasent fully over her yet so I left another messege saying to ignore the last bit of the first one 

Lets go to England baby! I thought as I started packing my dreams away!


I tapped my pencil on the desk over and over again, this lesson was so boring, I really did hate college, especially english, I already knew it so why do it..no im just being dumb.

My friend Esmee ( yeah weird name right? ) chucked a note at me, I read it obviously. It said ' meet me at the coffe shop at 5 2nite, bg bg news! :))) ' okay...she was weird but might aswell here this so called big news

At 5 tonight I arrived at the coffe shop, I orderd my favorite moco capochino with lots and lots of chocolate and whips cream on the top, yum!, I saw Esmee was already at a table she waved for me to come over and I happily did that

" Right so spill coz I wanna go home " I said with fake enthusiasim " hey easy mr sarcastic " she said " well...I lost my virginity last night " she said and I spat out my drink " why the fuck are you telling me this?! " I whisper yelled

" It was to Robbie though, he said he loves me and wnats to spent the rest of his life trying to find a way to repay me for loving him, hes so romantic, I just had to tell some one " she smiled and I smiled " thats great " I smiled

Jesus I wish I had a boyfriend that loved me as much as Robbie loved Esmee, oh well...

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