8. Make Up Your Mind

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I woke up under my new fluffy comforter and smiled at the thought of yesterday doing all that shopping. I checked my phone and it was 7. Harry was definitely still sleeping, though I'm surprised I'm awake. I usually sleep in. I threw some sweatpants on and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I downloaded a couple apps on my phone to connect with old friends from highschool and college.

I pulled out all of our Christmas decorations and since we still needed a tree, I did everything else. I strung lights on the staircase, put up two red plaid stockings over the fireplace, lit a cinnamon candle and started playing Christmas music, because what else would I do. I felt my stomach growl and so I decided to make bacon and eggs. I tiptoed into Harry's room then jumped on his bed.

"Breakfast is ready" I yelled waking his peaceful self.

"Go away" He hit me with a pillow. I saw he was shirtless and revealing all of his tattoos.

"Wake up" I hit him back.

"Don't make me tickle you again"

"You'll have to catch me" I ran downstairs and started eating. He put grey sweatpants on then followed me into the kitchen.

"So I was thinking we could go look for a Christmas tree today if you want"

"Skylar you are wearing me out" Harry laughed taking a bite of his eggs.

"I'm sorry we don't have to if you don't want to" I felt bad I didn't want to impose more than I obviously already was.

"No no I want to I like having you here and the living room looks like Christmas threw up on it so now we have to make it complete" He laughed.

"Okay great. I also need to get a car" Harry choked on his orange juice when I said this.

"What? You're gonna buy a car? Are you sure that's a good idea Skylar? You could really get in trouble for this"

"I know this sounds crazy but I know Nick and his family. They really won't care. His dad runs his own company that generates billions a year. And if I do end up in trouble I'll just tell them what happened to me" He shrugged not knowing how to convince me to stop.

"So are you going to paint your room today?" I nodded.

"Yeah can you help me move the furniture? I can paint the room but I just need help with the heavy stuff"

"Of course. I have to go meet with my agent about my new album but I will only be gone a couple of hours then we can go get a tree"

"Sounds good"

I opened up Spotify on my laptop and started playing music. Harry and I moved the three pieces of furniture to the middle of the room then covered the floor with a plastic sheet. We outlined the room in painters tape to keep it neat and started painting. The lavender looked great in my room. It gave it more life.

"Harry you don't have to help I know you have somewhere to be" I walked in the hallway to look for a ladder in one of the closets. I found one and placed it by the wall. Harry was still painting.

"I can still help out for about thirty more minutes" We continued painting, dancing, and horribly singingwell I sung horribly, Harry was good. Obviously.

"So what do you want for dinner tonight?" I asked stepping down from the ladder.

"Make whatever you can. Our food supply is running low I will get some groceries after I meet with my agent" I thought I was on the floor but I was still on the last step and I felt myself fall backwards.

I screeched planning on hitting the floor but of course Harry caught me. How cliche.

"Damn Skylar how many times am I going to have to save you" I know he was joking but I already felt as if I was imposing. His words made me feel guilty.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He stood me up straight and looked confused.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"Harry I didn't ask you to save me at all. You insisted I live with you" The tension filled the room and I turned the music off.

"Skylar I wasn't trying to upset you"

"I know but I am thankful you took care of me but I don't want you using it against me!" I put the paint brush down and wiped my hands on a towel.

"I'm sorry I won't bring it up again. I didn't mean I don't like saving you because I do" He struggled to find the right words.

"Stop talking about saving me! You make me sound so weak and helpless" I threw my hands up in the air in frustration.

"Calm down you aren't weak or helpless! Stop putting words in my mouth" I was in that mood where I wanted to do the yelling but when he yelled at me I got caught off guard. It doesn't make sense but he has to deal with that.

"Well stop making dumb comments about me being saved!"

"Let's be honest you weren't getting yourself out of that situation without my help" I slapped him across the face then gasped not thinking through my actions. Damn it.

"Harry I-I'm sorry" His eyes filled with rage, similar to Nick. How could I hit the one person that has done everything.

"Save it I have to go" He stormed out of my room.

"Harry wait! Listen to me" I chased him out into the driveway as he was getting into his car.

"Skylar I'm going to be late"

"No you aren't you just said you had 30 minutes! Harry I didn't mean to" He started the engine of the car and rolled down the window.

"I don't understand you! One minute you're all tough and mean, the next you can barely defend yourself or stop crying then you're all nice and appreciative and now you're slapping me because of a dumb comment? Make up your mind!" I backed up from the car. A sharp pain ran throughout my heart, is that what he thinks of me? Guilt plagued his face and I ran inside slamming the door. I watched as he backed out of the driveway and left.

I wanted to cry but I was out of tears. I was just angry at myself for thinking this would work out.

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