see that space between "girlfriend" & "girl friend"? it's the friendzone

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"Look, Lia, you're a really nice girl and you're really pretty, but I just don't feel the same. I think we're better off as friends."


His words weren't really computing in my brain.

"Sorry, I gotta go, I'm already late," He dashed off without another word and quickly rushed back to his car.

I just stood there for a few minutes wondering what the hell just happened. I just poured my heart out to him and he just gave me the brush off—with a lousy excuse to boot.

It was worse than a complete rejection. At least with that I would have known what was wrong with me. But staying friends? What was the point.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and jolted me out of my shock.

Stella: The bell's gonna ring where are you?

Me: I'll be there in a min

I ran out of Starbucks and rushed to get to school. Once I got inside, I slowed my pace to a swift walk and headed to my first period class.

Ms. Lawrence gave me a dirty look as I arrived just as the bell rang. The teachers were strict on tardiness but I somehow always got away with it.

I sat in my seat and tried to ignore Stella's curious gaze. She tapped me on the shoulder and spoke quietly but also excitedly,

"So, what happened with—?"

"Don't you dare say his name." I gave her my best glare.

"I wasn't going to, sheesh," Stella rolled her eyes, "But I'm guessing it didn't go too well."

"I got the f word."

"Ouch," She made a face, "Friendzoned, huh? You know it's not the end of the world by getting friendzoned, you could still possibly get out of that friendzone, you never know-"

I covered my ears, "You don't have to keep talking about it."

"Sorry, sorry," She shrugged then lit up, "I know what will cheer you up—a shopping and spa day!"

"I don't know, I kind of just feel like eating ice cream and watching Netflix." I sighed, only wanting to be alone, though a spa day did sound awesome.

"Well, I feel like shopping today."

"Have fun," I retorted and that was when Ms. Lawrence called on me.

"Miss Deliz, when did Plautus die?" She challenged and I fumbled for the answer.

"At the end of his life?"

The class laughed and the teacher shook her head. Stella didn't say anything else which I was grateful for.

All I could think about was what happened this morning, the scenario running over and over like a broken record.

I tried not to think about it but it haunted my every thought. Why would he reject me? Was there something wrong with me?

After Latin and Calc, Taylor and Nicole practically jumped on me during break.

"So, how did it go with you-know-who?" Taylor asked excitedly.

"Sorry, don't know what you're talking about." I retorted bitterly.

"He turned her down." Stella interjected.

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