i miss you like pluto misses being a planet again

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"Why do you have to leave? Can't you stay?" I was nearly begging.

Drake stood up from my bed. He appeared a few minutes ago outside my window and I let him in. It'd been two days and I was afraid he wouldn't have come back.

"No, I can't." He was hiding something.

"Why not?"

"I can't tell you."

Mates weren't supposed to lie to each other, it was almost impossible.

"Just come with me and we'll be together." It was so tempting to say yes. Just one word, just one syllable.

I shook my head, "I don't even know you."

"We'll get to know each other," He argued, "I can take you away from this small town, I can give you whatever you want."

"I don't even know your last name."

"Villemaire. Now you know."

Even though I was happy I found my mate, it just didn't feel right. Maybe it was the fact that I wanted someone else. And even though my mate was supposed to cure that heartache, it didn't.

"I'm in love with somebody else." I blurted and Drake's eyes narrowed.

"What?" He demanded, his body looming over me.

"You heard me, I'm in love with somebody else."

Before I could react, he grabbed my arms and that's when I saw his canines.

He was trying to mark me.

I pushed him off of me, shoving him against the wall aggressively.

"Don't you dare mark me," I hissed then realized that it wasn't his fault I didn't want him, "I'm sorry, I just. . . can't. I can't abandon everyone I love." My voice broke.

It didn't feel right.

Drake stood where he was, his face unreadable.

"Then reject me."

I couldn't tell if he was being serious or sarcastic.

"Come on, reject me!" His voice shook my room and I almost jumped at how loud he was.

I inhaled and his scent filled my nose. He smelled so good, like freshly cut grass mixed with a burst of aftershave.

I could feel the pull to accept him but someone else was invading the back of my mind.

I leaned against my bed, looking him straight in the eyes and holding my ground. Only one needed to say it for the rejection to become real

"I, Lia Deliz, reject Drake Villemaire." I let the words sink in.

Complete silence.

Drake's face remained emotionless.

"Fine, I'll go. But this is the last time we'll meet as friends."

I stayed silent as I watched him leave. He jumped out the window I'd opened before to let him in, phasing quickly after he landed on the ground. He didn't look back.

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