Chapter 7

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Hey guys I am so sorry that i haven't updated in a really long time. High school is actually really hard. And homework takes up a lot of my free time. But i also was able to expand my vocabulary and my creative skills! I have my English teacher to thank for that.  I hope that I will be able to update more often. But i do have 3 CPT's due next week( which I haven't stared).  So anyways i have a lot of ideas for the next chapter so.. i hope you enjoy!

Lucy's POV

I was so scared. I thought i felt the baby cry out of fear. I need to get my head out of the gutter. As i face the snake i don't move a muscle. The snake moves around me, i feel its wet and slimy body  run across my skin. It starts to wrap itself around my body slowly getting tighter and tighter. I don't know what to do. I cant scream or call for Natsu although i know he is right behind me watching everything that is going o. The only thing i can do now is wait for him to do something. The pain of the snakes wrapping around my body is beginning to sting and I'm afraid the baby will get hurt even though i know it hasn't developed yet. I see i shadow fly above me. I look up and see Natsu and Happy. I haven't even noticed that Natsu was no longer beside me. I saw to nervous to pay attention. And then Natsu being Natsu starts to put fire to anything he sees in any direction. Soon enough he hits the snake that had a hold on me and i can get away fast enough. I try to help Natsu but it seems my magic was drained by the snake. I am extremely tired all of sudden. I hear Natsu tell me to run. But I can't move, my body stays still be with me trying to force it to move. The world around me slowly turns black and all i can hear is the faint Sound of my head hitting the ground beneath me.

The last thing i remember was snakes and fire. All i can feel now is something cold on my forehead.  I slowly start to open my eyes. All i can see is the faint outline of Natsu.

When my full sight comes back, i have no words. We were surrounded by fire and dead body's of snakes. Looks like Natsu could handle them.

"What happened while i was out" i asked.

" well its pretty obvious" he replied.

" how did they not get to me?" I wondered.

" Happy took you deep into the forest while i was fighting. He brought you back when he didn't hear anymore screaming from me." He answered. 

" By the way, what happened to you? Why did you pass out?" He questioned me.

" I don't know, i think it had something to do with snake. It was probably taking my magic while it strangled me." I replied.

As me and Natsu continue to take about what happened and how I'm feeling i start to wonder if the baby is ok. What if something happened? But then again, if it isn't alive i would be bleeding, which I'm not.

" We better get going, its almost sun set." I tell them.

" Ok, do you need help Lucy? With walking?" Natsu asks me.

"No i think I'm good just walk beside me." I tell him.

As we start to walk i get a massive stomach ache. I try to deal with the pain and keep walking, but it's getting worse and worse with every step. I finally tell Natsu if we can take a break. We stop and desire to stay here for the night.

" Lucy are you sure you are ok you look sick, your pale and burning up!" Happy comments.

"Ya im fine, i think i just need  eat and to rest thats all." I tell him.

"Ok i will go get you a fish" He tells me.

As Happy is gathering and cooking the fish Natsu sits beside me in he tent. He gets a blacker and puts it around both of us and puts his arm around my shoulder. I smuggle into his chest and close my eyes. I know i should sleep, but my body wont let me, im hungry, cold, my head and stomach are killing me.

I think Natsu can sense something is wrong. He is just starring  at me not saying anything.

I wonder what he is thinking? But then again I already have an idea of what he is thinking.

We stay silent, but its not an awkward silence. We are enjoying each others company.

A couple minuets later Happy walks in with the steaming fish.

I happily ate 5 prices of fish, and got ready to go to sleep.

As i was crawling into the sleeping bag i feel someone tap me on my shoulder. I turn around and Natsu in sitting at the edge of the sleeping bag.

"Do u mind if i join you?" He asks.

"No not at all" I say with a huge smile on my face.

He moves to get under the cover and pulls it over both of us. I have missed his touch so much. I haven't been this close to him in so long.

I want to tell hm ,i really do. But i dont think it is the right time just yet. We need to focus on the mission, and getting that flower and mainly not dying.

" Good night Lucy" He says.

"Good night Natsu, I love you" i tell him.

"I love you too Lucy"

And with that we fall asleep in each others arms. My eyes start to close until i hear something comping into the tent.   I get nervous but when i look up its happy with but hes bleeding and crying.

" HAPPY WHAT HAPPENED?" I shout. Waking up Natsu.     

To stay or to go?-Nalu pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now