Chapter 3

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"Lou I don't really care about it. It just kind of startled of me. The guy was probably bluffing anyways" I complained into my phone. The minute I got home Lou called me and he's been trying to get me to tell him everything that happened. For the record, Lou and Niall had been trying to get me to explain what happened in the alley. But do you really think I wanted to tell my best friends, one of which was supposedly straight, that this angel faced guy turned me on? Well, I didn't.
"Mate, I don't give a flying fuck if he was bluffing or not. I want to know what happened! Don't even try to deny that your pants were 10 times tighter when you ran out than they were when we went in. Not to mention your face was beat red. Now tell me what happened!" He replied exasperated.
"Zayn Javaad Malik, so help me, if you don't tell me what happened, I'll murder you in your sleep" His voice didn't falter through his threat which showed he was truly mad and annoyed.
It wasn't like Lou was serious and was going to kill me but he was certainly mad. I gave in and gave him a play by play of what had happened.
"OH MY GOD. WE HAVE TO GET YOU TO SEE HIM AGAIN. WE HAVE TO GO BACK. WELL GO TONIGHT. WELL DRESS UP ALL BADASS AND THEN HIS LITTLE HENCHMEN WONT KILL US. ITS PERFECT" He screamed. I have to admit, I'd love to see brown eyes again, but I wasn't going anywhere near Vickson alley ever again.
"Lou, dressing like badasses aren't going stop his boys from violently mauling us. And there is no way in hell I'm going back to Vickson"
"Fine. Clubbing tonight, then?"
"That'd be great. Call Ni"
"Alright. Wear something hot alright. We're getting you a man tonight"
"Shut up Lou. You're driving by the way" I told him. There was no way I was driving my avalanche to go clubbing. There's sketchy people out there.
"Can't. My dad traded my car in for my evoque, remember? I'm not driving that baby to the club"
"Ah shit I forgot. And of course, Niall still doesn't a car" I complained.
"What about the bikes?"
"You sure you want to take the bikes to the club?"
"Not really. But I'd prefer to take our motorcycles than my evoque or your avalanche"
"Good point. Niall can take one of mine, I guess"
"Alright. See ya Zee. Be at yours around eight thirty"
"Bye, mate"
I hung up before he could say any more. All I wanted to do was sleep. It's not like I had anything else to do. I decided I would go to sleep and just set an alarm for later.

~Liam POV~

"Li, admit it. You had some type of attraction to that guy today" Harry said. Josh and Harry had been trying to get me to talk for the past hour. Earlier, we had been talking randomly about some new tattoos we wanted and then Josh had mentioned how the boy in the alley had part of a tattoo peaking out from the bottom of his shirt. When I had him pinned against the wall, before they left, they noticed part of a black tattooing his right hip. I wanted to see his whole body, maybe there's more tattoos around his body. Wait, what? Bad Liam. No more thoughts like that. Anyways, after they mentioned babe-I mean him, they started talking about him even more. Since then, I've been giving them the silent treatment
"Liam it's not a big deal. It's not like you'd lose respect with anyone in the gang just because you're gay. Everyone knows your can take them in a couple shots. Besides, everyone knows Harry and I are gay, no ones different around us" Josh reasoned with me.
So yeah, in case you didn't figure it out from the obvious text above, I'm gay. It's not that I was ashamed of being gay. Not in the least bit. I just can't risk losing my street cred. If I came out, the Vickies could be overruled. I could never let that happen again.
"Guys, it's not that I'm afraid of what the boys will think. I'm afraid of what will happen with other gangs. A lot of the gangs have gay members but none have gay leaders..." I explained.
"Aye, know what we should do? Let's go clubbing tonight. Get your mind off things" Josh suggested, completely ignoring what I said.
"Aye, mate, that sounds great tonight! Haz, you drive" I said.
Clubbing sounded perfect.


"Ready boys?" Harry asked, walking into the living room.
I nodded, spraying on some last minute cologne
We piled into Harry's Silverado. What? Just because we're in a gang doesn't mean we don't have a lot of money.
Harry started the ignition and I couldn't wait to drink away my problems.
We pulled up and three motorcycles pulled up beside Harry's truck. The first one pulled off his helmet and lord behold, there was babe.

~Zayn POV~
I woke up from my nap and proceeded to the bathroom to go shower and get ready for my night out.
I turned the shower on to the hottest setting and waited for the bathroom to get really steamy. Once it did, I changed the water to a slightly cooler setting. Just cool enough that my body could actually stand it. I stripped off my clothes and turned on some music before I stepped into the shower. I let my body soak in the water for a minute or two before putting a generous amount of shampoo in the palm of my hand and scrubbing it into my hair. I lathered myself in body wash before stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel securely around my waist. Not that it would've mattered if I went back to my room naked. My mum was still asleep so it wasn't like she would see me. But even still, I feel awkward when I'm naked.
Once back in my room, I went to my closet and pulled out some black skinny jeans that were slightly baggy, a white singlet that said "wisdom" on the front and my black leather jacket. From underneath my bed, I grabbed a pair of pure black vans.
After I got dressed in it all, I returned to the bathroom to do my hair. I hung up my towel which was an all too familiar feeling, considering I had done the exact same thing that morning.
I blow dried my hair then gelled into a slightly messy quiff. I had to admit, I looked hot. I was bang-able. Maybe that's what I would do tonight. Maybe I'd get laid. Or I might just drink away my problems. Or both. Any of the three options, would work.
By now it was 8:20. I figured I should get my motorcycle that Niall was using for the night before the came over. He only lived like three houses down so he would just walk to mine. Before I went to the garage, I brushed my teeth and sprayed myself in cologne. On my way to the garage, I wrote a note on the whiteboard saying, 'Went out with Lou and Ni. See you tomorrow, Mum. Love you. Xx -Zayn'.
I went to the garage to retrieve the bike. I pulled it from underneath the tarps that covered my two spare motorcycles. I kept my main motorcycle just in the open of the garage. In the garage was my Mum's Prius, my motorcycle and then my truck.
I went back into the house and as if on cue, Louis and Niall walked in through the front door.
"Damn Zayn, you actually listened to me when I told you to wear something hot" Louis commented, adding a wolf whistle seconds after.
"I think that's a compliment so, thanks?" I said chuckling a little. He laughed.
I got Niall's motorcycle from the garage and his helmet. Mine was plain black, Niall's was deep green and Louis' was red. We all hopped on and made our way to the to the club, me in the lead.

The drive was short, especially on a motorcycle. I pulled up beside someone's Silverado. I figured I'd park by the big truck that was expensive. That way there was less likely to be sketchy people to be hanging around the vehicles.
I could already tell, tonight would be good. I just had a good feeling about it.

Third chapter is up. I hope you guys all have a wonderful new year!
I spent the night playing 'heads up' with my family.

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Byeeeeee xxxx

-Emily :)

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