A Random Story

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Basically a girl with some split personality issues is in chains in a prison cell and she doesn't remember what she did to get into a situation like this. Random idea so here you go, enjoy.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The first thing that came to my mind when I woke up was 'why am I floating?' I tried to move my hand but found that I couldn't, because it was fucking chained. I couldn't touch the floor either, goddammit I'm so small, 'Great' I thought to myself. 'So this is what being a prisoner feels like. What did I do this time? Steal a cannon? Attacked an old lady? Maybe I was stealing a cannon while attacking an old lady...pretty thoughts Leva, pretty thoughts...' She always found it funny that whenever a situation like this would come up she turned into a blabbering and sassy mess. She didn't know where all of that came from, 'probably from your parents you dumbass' but it was as if a small part of her decided to wake up in the middle of chaos and went you know what would make this situation even worse? Your dumb sense of humor with a little bit of sass combined in the mix. What the fuck? Yeah I don't understand either. Oh but well where was I? Oh yeah, chained in a dank prison cell, great start.

I actually don't understand what I'm doing here, I'm such a saint, aside for the whole stealing cannons and attacking old ladies thing...what? Old ladies get in my nerves sometimes. Although there was this other time when a dog came and–

My thoughts were interrupted by a clinging of keys hitting a lock, 'oh so it was a prison?' 'Well I'm fucked' She looked up only to see a cute boy come into the room, (well more of like a prison but I don't need a reminder of my situation right now) an old lady wearing a fancy dress and heels following close behind. 'Are you kidding me? Is this the old lady I hit? Are they royalty or something? I don't remember a thing about what happened last night and what am I doing here. Hell I don't even remember where I come from in the first place, and the way she is looking at me probably suggests that I did something as if to offend her, probably insulted her fancy dog or fancy heels.' They closed and locked the door and I let out a quick chuckle, 'yes lock the door, I'm just gonna lay back here and try to escape because I'm not chained or anything' I soon realized that the chuckle could have ruined a perfectly fine face, if the cute boy hadn't stepped in.

"How dare you laugh at my face?! You ignorant swine, I'm doing everything in my power to–!" the old lady said this in a thick English accent, she raised a hand and I'm sure she would have smacked me but the cute boy stopped the old lady's hand from coming into contact with my beautiful face. "Mother calm down, please." 'So she is the mother, how could such a cute boy come from such a horrible face? Must be his dad' sometimes she wished her mind would just shut up. The boy looked at his mother with plea and he then looked at me with a strange expression, he looked as if he knew me, he looked at me with such fond and loving eyes, as you would to your partner in life. That didn't last. It was as if he remembered that I was the prisoner and he was a...what was he? Definitely a high status, but how high? She couldn't concentrate in this moment though, as she saw the mother give a sigh as he looked at his son. "Darling, please just let it go, she is gone" They talked in hushed tones as if she wouldn't hear them, they were literally standing next to her! "Mom, let me try, please, 30 days that's all I'm asking, If I succeed she comes with me and we flee from the country, if she doesn't..." The boy looked at me and sighed. "If she doesn't return to me you can do as you please with her." 'Kill me, they are going to kill me?' I swallowed dryly at the thought, but I had the nerve to laugh again and this time I looked up and said "so are you going to tell me how fucked I am?"

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So that was something, It's just a draft of a story I had in mind but yeah, hopefully I update soon and have more ideas for future stories.

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