I'm Cleo

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"I know that I should be happy about us moving to a big American city, but I just can't be." I stated as I looked over at my best friend, Rachel and she laughed. She looked over at me from her phone as I grabbed it and threw it behind me. "At least we can listen to that song 'American idiot' and mean it." She replied chuckling, I rolled my eyes at her optimism and leaned on the window of the plane. She leaned on my shoulder and sighed. "I hope American New Yorkers like dorky British 5sos fan girls," Rachel said and I laughed at her and sarcastically said, "One can only hope."
"Come on girls, Mr. Hunter is waiting for you, Cleo and Mr. Young for you, Rachel." Our limo driver said as he drove us to Mr. Hunters house, he would be my guardian and Mr. Young would be Rachel's. She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the limo as we arrived at an apartment building. "Look, Rachel things are gonna happen in one moment and I want you to know that you're my best friend no matter who is in that apartment," I said and she smiled. "Even if it's Shawn Mendes?" She asked and I honestly replied with, "Oh, he doesn't count."
We walked into the building and I knocked on the door that was supposedly Mr. Hunters but before I could knock a third time, I was grabbed and hugged. I didn't know who the person was so I just awkwardly stood while the person hugged me. I finally looked up to see a middle aged man with brown short hair. "You're my guardian?" I asked and he laughed. "No, I'm Cory Matthews. I'm your guardians best friend. Mr. Hunter isn't here. He will be back tomorrow, so you will stay here." The man said and I turned to see the limo driver and Rachel were gone. "Um... I'm Cleo." I said awkwardly and he stepped to the side to let me in. "British? Cool. My daughter will love you." He said and I felt flattered. "She's in her room." He pointed to a room in the back of the hallways as I carefully made my way there. I didn't even knock on the door when the door opened and I was pulled into the room and hugged to death. Like father like daughter.
"Riles, let the poor thing go." A blonde girl said to the Brunette one in front of me. "Oh she's fine Maya. She's my cousin now." Riley said and Maya just sat down. I took in my surroundings. I was in a typical preppy girls room with five other people in the room. "I'm Farkle." Said one voice but there were several others. "Lucas." One said and I replied with, "ooooh, we've got a cowboy." And he laughed. "Like you can talk Queen Elizabeth," he said and I rolled my eyes.
"So what's your name?" A boy who said his name was Zay asked and I laughed.
"Well, Cowboy there can keep calling me Queen Elizabeth, I don't care. But my names Cleo."

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