Story 12 - The Chef's Recommendation

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"I like to eat." You said as you sipped on some lime juice.
"Well, I like to cook." He replied as he held back your straw and lovingly stare into your eyes.

You've always been a huge foodie, always on the search for new restaurants and cafe. However, there was this one small cafe at the corner of the street your house was on in which you've always visited. It was special because their hot and spicy noodles were just the best you've ever had, just a splendid and glistening bowl. But, this bowl of noodles just weren't the cafe's specialty. Apparently, the cafe specializes in their quiche even though you personally felt that the bowl of noodles tasted better. But wait, just why would a street food like a bowl of hot and spicy noodles be in such a refined place? Well, you don't know-it's fine as long as it tastes good, right?

As you pass through the narrow road into the cafe, you felt a stare down your back. To shrug it off or not? You turned around to check if there were anybody around but there wasn't. There was just pigeons perching onto the lush olive trees as they held a carefree tone in their chirps. For some reason, it doesn't feel very relaxing.

Stepping through the small rock paths that led into the beautifully decorated cafe. Seems like they have placed some Chinese lanterns and some red accents to make the place feel much more festive. Chinese New Year is coming and what is better than a steaming bowl of hot and spicy noodles for the occasion? As bells chimed, you were directed to a small table in the corner in which the one and only waitress led you to.

You looked around the cafe, observing each and every small detail that accumulates and build up the ambience of the cafe. The hanging pots of flowers, the simple metallic shelves, the wooden floorboards, the beautifully sculpted figures and lastly, the photographs of food. Splendid. Until, you felt the uncomfortable feeling of being stared at again. You turned to look at your surroundings again only to make direct eye contact with a man who seems to be the chef of this place. He was graced with delicate facial features while his black hair was neatly tied up so as to get it off his face. To sum it up... He's not bad.

You gave a small awkward smile and waved at him. Rather than waving back like a normal person would do, he walked over and sat at the seat opposite of yours, a slight blush dusted over his face. "Uhm... Hey there. I've,well,been noticing that youre always eating the noodles I've cooked. I was just thinking ... Why would you come to eat noodles in a cafe rather than the homemade cakes and quiche?"

"Because it's nice...?"

He was stunned by the reply. "I-is that so?"

You smiled at him. It was your true feelings after all. Those noodles were just too good, you see. There's no need to lie.

After that incident, the noodles started to become tastier and tastier with every visit. The one word to describe it? Heavenly. And along with every visit, you chatted with Mr Chef, in which you found out that his name is Er.

"I think the minced meat is not properly seasoned... " You sighed as you picked a bunch up with the red chopsticks in your hands.

"But you know, if it's too flavourful, it might overpower the taste of the noodles." He gave a look of conflict as he reacted to your criticism.

You pouted and ate the minced meat. "But I think it can still be improved."


Then, on that one day, the decision to surprise Er became a malignant one. With every step towards the kitchen, you felt your surroundings getting chiller, getting heavier, akin to the horror films you've piled up in your room. But, you still dragged every trud across the corridor and into the kitchen to check out on your favourite chef.

"Stop right there." The waitress, Lan, said. You were taken by surprise. After all, you've never heard such a dark underlying tone in her voice before. Ever since you've met up with Er, you've gotten friendlier with the black haired beauty. However, never did she once shown the enormous fear hiding in her eyes that transparently before.

"Please, just listen to me carefully. I suggest to not go in there." She begged, on the verge of spilling her tears. "You're a nice friend and I hope you understand... He-I mean... The kitchen um... Is a bit messy! And uh... You might get hurt!"

After hearing what she said, of course you got both curious and worried. Who could ever not be worried if your friend is being so fidgety? All you had in your mind was to find out. Find out what's happening.

Immediately, you walked pass her, ignoring her 'advice' to not proceed into the kitchen. Instantly, the smell of iron and rust crashed into your nose. It was so strong and so very fresh. You know, it might just be some uncleaned blood from an animal. Maybe pork or beef! That's what you hoped at least. Deep down in your consciousness, you can't help but to unwantingly savour in that cold and dark atmosphere. You can't shake off the chills that we're constantly running down your back, just like the touch of a spider, icky yet prickly. heard the grinder going. The ones that makes minced meat. And, it seems to be choking on something.

"The bone's stuck again. " Er's deep voice echoed across the empty kitchen despite being in another room that was connected. "I hate it when the bones are like that... "

You felt relieved as you heard Er. You can trust him, right?

"Er?" You called as you approached the room. Then, you became stunned. Rooted to the ground. In intense fear. Overtaking your body. Eyes widened. Pale face. As you saw, saw the mangled bodies in the trash can with bones that were split into pieces and the head laying beside it. A sudden realization hit you as you continued staring with your mouth agape. That face looks familiar. It's... Your favourite female idol, your aspiration - the one and only. You felt the your stomach churning furiously as nausea overtakes you. You couldn't help but to vomit your heart out in which creates a painful sharp pang in your chest. It was disgustingly malicious. What has Er been feeding you?

"(Name)... " His lips shivered as he asked. "T-the kitchen is off limits... W-why are you here? Are you okay?"

Too overwhelmed by the horrid sight, you continued to puke while mumbling in fear. "M-m-murderer..."

"(Name), I was just trying to achieve the highest form of culinary and cuis-"


"...listen to me, please..." He muttered as he took the sharp knife on his table. "I just want to give you the best food. The best quality. "

"This is cannibalism! This is taboo! This is-" You shouted but was soon interrupted by the incoming vomit.

" shouldn't have came in." He looked to the floor as he strolled towards you with the knife in his hand. "You know, I guess I can finally say this... I really did loved you. I really did."


As the day ended, a piping hot stew was placed on the table of the restaurant. The young man indulged in it's beauty and aroma while commenting on it's delicious taste.

This dish became a new addition in the menu and was also the only one that was recommended by the chef.

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