football sweatshirt

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football sweatershirt

I looked at Halie, the way she wore my old football sweatshirt and her jean shorts made me feel some kind of way. Even after all the time we've been together, she still made my heart skip a beat.

"I can feel you staring at me." My girlfriend turned around, giggling. God, she got me. Her arms found their way around my neck, her sweet mouth meeting mine in a kiss that I'd remember for the rest of my life.

"It's only because you're so beautiful baby."

"As you've reminded me over and over."

"And I mean it every single time." I pulled her in for another quick kiss. Halie giggled and ran to the Ford pick-up truck, borrowed to us by her dad. She climbed in the driver side, and I got in the passenger seat.

"Where to?" She asked.

"My place?" I shrugged and Halie's face lit up. The engine roared to life, and we drove off.

Once we reached my house that I was just moving into, before we fully got in the door, her lips found mine. Halie tugged at my t-shirt, and I knew exactly what she wanted to do. And I was all for it.

My girlfriend had given her virginity to me only a few months earlier. The night she graduated, one year after me. Her father wasn't exactly pleased with us, but accepted it soon enough.

"Baby." Halie said breathlessly against my neck, and I carried her to my bedroom, that didn't fully have much in it but my bed and the mattress. We fell onto the bed, tugging each other's clothes off one by one. Slow and sweet.

After, we lay together under a throw blanket I had thrown on the floor when I moved my things in. Halie's hand was on my stomach, and she was snoring softly. I cautiously put a strand of blonde hair behind her ear, and she only snuggled closer into me. A smile tugged at my lips as I gazed down at my girlfriend.

My cell phone was vibrating at a continuous rate in my jeans pocket. My pants lay on the floor in a pile along with my shirt. I frantically searched for my phone, leaving Halie in bed. Once found, I answered the call.

"Hey mom." I answered, trying to sound as casual as possible. I had to calm my heart rate as she talked.

"Nick. Could you come home for a family dinner tonight? Your father and I would like to spend time with you kids before we go on our vacation."

"Yeah, sure I can. Can Halie come?" I glanced at her in my room, standing in the empty kitchen. She looked so peaceful as she slept, and I admired her, almost forgetting the fact I was on the phone.

"Yes she can. How does 5:30 sound?" My mom asked as I watched Halie stir in the bed, yawning and opening her blue eyes. I smiled at her.

"Sounds great. We'll be there. Love you mom." We said our goodbyes then I hung up, going to join my girlfriend in the bed.

"What was that?" Halie questioned, kissing me. I pulled away, biting my bottom lip quickly.

"My mom wants us home for dinner tonight. My parents want to see us all before vacation." I told her, running my hand over her curves, resting it on the back of her thigh.

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