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WARNING: This is the climax of the story, so things will be moving quickly and lots of stuff will be happening! You may have to re-read to understand fully! Enjoy!


The Next Morning...

When Mark opened the front door of his home, he was horrified.

Cop cars, reporters vans, and even several security officials and enraged pedestrians crowded his yard.

"What the fuck is going on?!" Mark cried out in shock, placing a protective arm out in front of Jack's chest. "Why are there so many people?!"

"Sean, are you in a relationship with this older man?"

"Sean! Will you file a lawsuit against Mr. Fischbach?!"

Jack stumbled backwards into the house instinctively upon hearing strangers voices yelling towards him and having several large cameras and microphones being shoved towards his face. "Fuck off!"

"Leave him alone!" Mark growled out aggressively, pushing the reporters and photographers away from his porch and front door. "Can someone please tell me what is going on?!"

Then it happened.

An officer grabbed Mark by his forearm, and immediately cuffed one of his wrists. "You're under arrest for child endangerment and statutory rape. You have the right to remain silent. Follow me, please."

"Have fun in jail!" Megan chuckled out loudly overtop of the noise from the safety of a distant sidewalk, waving speedily towards Mark and grinning as the police started to escort him to their vehicle. "I guess James won't be seeing you in the slammer, child rapist!"

Several photographers swarmed around the redhead as he followed the cop, continuously capturing photos and screaming out his name and several different questions towards him.

"Get out of my fucking face!" Mark snapped, tilting his head down to avoid the flashes that were blinding him. "Please stop taking fucking pictures!"

Jack was terrified, and traumatized even further than he already was.

He slammed the front door shut, and locked it securely with a sliding latch.

Afterwards, he leaned against it, allowing several hot tears to fall down his heavily flushed cheeks. "What the fuck?! "

What was happening?!

Mark, his best friend, his first love, his everything, had just been taken away from him, and he had no idea why.

He peered out of the decorative glass window built into the door, squinting his bloodshot eyes in order to see clearly.

The police car with Mark inside had already sped off to avoid the media and angry pedestrians.

Several photographers and reporters were staying put outside, waiting for Jack to exit the house.

And Megan was there.

She was standing on the sidewalk in a long white dress and black heels, chatting with another officer that was clearly questioning her.

Jack sighed heavily out of aggravation and worry as another officer walked across the driveway and up the steps, knocking on the door repeatedly.

Only one thing was weighing on the Irishman's mind at that moment.


He couldn't allow himself to go back, only to relive the hell that he had previously experienced.

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