//chapter 4//

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Thank you to whoever voted and read this so far! If you haven't voted yet, please do because it would let me know if you like it or not :) The more votes I get, the more often I will update! School is starting in two days so I will be updating less often but I will try my best to update as often as I can!

So enjoy this chapterrrr :)


Harry's p.o.v

I escorted Sara into the restaurant with our hands intertwined the whole time.

I can tell she was shocked. She hasn't said anything so far and we have been sitting inside for about I guess five minutes.

" You ok?" I ask her. She's been awfully a little too quiet than she was in the car.

"oh yeah I'm fine"

I could tell she was lost in her thoughts.

The waiter came up to hand us our menus. I could tell he was eyeing Sara which got me mad but I decided not to create a scene. Sara grabbed the menu and started reading it. I noticed all her features. How her blond curled hair covered part of her face. Her perfect blue eyes.

"Gosh you're so pretty" I automatically see Sara quickly look up and I realized that I had said that out loud.

Nice going Styles.

Sara looks at me and starts laughing as my face turns red.

"Did I really say that out loud?" I say

"Yes you did" says Sara still laughing

"Im sorry I didn't mean-"

"Its fine Harry" She says STILL laughing

I decide to join in and laugh as well.

We order our food and quietly wait, not saying anything to each other.

Sara's p.o.v

I still cant get over Harry kissing me. I still get butterflies when I think of that.

and then he called me pretty. Not even realizing he said it, which I thought was hilarious.

"So, do you know everything about the contract?" I ask

"Yep, Mark explained every little detail about it." he replied

"And you're ok with dating me, right?" I ask

"Of course! I would actually have fallen in love with you even if it wasn't a contract" He said smirking.

Right when he said that, my whole face went red.

"You look so pretty when you're blushing" he said smirking which caused me to blush even more.

Our food came and should I say, it was amazing.

"Mark sure does know where to find good food." Says Harry smiling

"This is amazing" I say to him

"sure is" he replied back.

When we walk out the door, paparazzi start going crazy again. There were so many lights that it was almost impossible to see. I look down to see Harry holding my hand. I still cant believe im actually Harry Styles' girlfriend.

While im walking someone behind me kicks me right in the shin making me wince in pain. I turn to see a girl behind me smirking.

tears start to form in my eyes. I don't even know her? Why would she do that?

Right when I winced, harry looks at me and says

"You ok?"

"Yeah" I lie

He notices the tears in my eyes

"What happened?" he asks

"Nothing" I lie again

"I know something happened now tell me"

"Its nothing Harry. A girl just kicked me but im fine Harry lets go."

"No. Where is that girl?" he says

I turn to see that the girl left.

"She left." I say

Harry looked pretty mad when I told her the girl left.

I was wincing in every step I took.

Harry noticed the pain I was going through and picked me up bridal style.

Holy shit. Harry. Picked me up.

He placed me in the passenger seat and started the car.

what just happened.

"You want me to take you to the hospital?" he asked

"No thanks im fine Harry, really."

He drops me off at my house and I get in my , take all my makeup off and head into the shower. My leg it swollen and bruised and hurts like hell.

I get onto my bed and notice that I got a text message.

From Harry:

Goodnight love xx

I smile and reply back

To Harry:

Goodnight :) xx

I smile as I place my phone next to me and drift off to sleep




Hope you like this chapter!

And heres a deal

if this gets 5 votes then I will post the next chapter


Have a beautiful magical new year :)

-Anjalii ;)

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