There is an image on the Internet that I've been studying for months. Why am taking months out of my life to study a stupid image, exactly? Well, I don't know exactly, it might be out of pure curiously, or maybe even pure boredom. You see, the first time I heard of such image, was at an appointment with one of my clients, Julie Brown. She told me that she one opened a link on a random website that led her straight to hell. She described the image as terrifying and downright traumatizing. She told me that every waking moment she would see the image, it was all she could think about. You may be wondering what image could be that horrific, well, the thing is no one knows, and no one cares. Trust me, I've took my fair share of asking everyone who volunteers to talk to me, I will stroll the forums of every subject ever, I will make fake dating profiles and ask everyone who I'm matched with. It never works, no one has heard of the image, or maybe, no one wants to talk about it.
It's Tuesday afternoon and I've been thinking about Julie Brown. The email that her husband sent to me still haunts me to this day.
To: Me
Subject: Important News
Hello this is Travis Brown, Julie's husband. I understand that you are her therapist, she's told me a lot about you. I regret to inform you that Julie has committed suicide. I'd like to talk to you about Julie's death, perhaps you have some clues as to why she killed herself? Please email me back, maybe we can meet up. Please help Megan, please.That email has flooded my thoughts for weeks. I've decided to email him back today, I want to help.
To: TrevBrown536@yahoo.comFrom: Me
Subject: My Reply
Hello Mr. Brown, I've read your email over many times, and to be honest, I'm shocked, the news has come to a surprise to me. I'd like to help you. Do you want to meet at the yogurt shop on Fanita?To: Me
That would be amazing, thank you so much. I really need answers.
That last line was unexplainable. I don't think that I could give him any, I do think it has something to do with the picture. But I still don't think that answers anything, I need to research.
I've been researching this picture further. I mean, there's nothing to research, but I keep my hope up every time I intend to research further. I stroll every forum on creepy accuracies, nothing. I search online for "Suicide Picture", nothing. I Skype everyone on a site called "Strange happenings" and ask them if they've heard of a death picture, nothing.The next morning I woke up to a notification on my phone. It's probably the usual, someone replying back to me on a forum saying "Sorry, we don't know anything about that." Or "Please leave our forum, it's not for that kind of stuff." Or sometimes the rare "I think I've heard of that before, but no, it was just a story or something, no info, sorry." But this time it was different. There was hope. A user under the name AndreaPleac6 replied differently. ANDREAPLEAC6 I have info, please contact me through email, I can give my phone number through there if you'd like, so we can chat about the information. Here's my email:
i immediately began typing up an email to her, as I was very eager to hear her two sense about the subject.
From: Me
Hello, this is Megan. You replied to my comment about the "suicide picture", do you know anything about it?
Within 30 minutes, she replied.
To: Me
Yes, I had a cousin who had seen a picture once. He told me all about it, he described that all he could think about was it, it was taking over his life, and he could do nothing about it. Soon I was very worried, I took him to a therapist because I had thought he was going crazy. The therapist tried his best, but there was nothing he could do about it. On July 9, 2014 I heard about his death. They all said it was suicide, but no one had really solved the case. I blamed myself for a while, thought that I didn't take him to a good enough therapist, but I soon realized that it was the picture. I've been searching for two years. No one has heard of such thing, until I found you. Maybe we can work together on this, here's my phone number ; **********
The story shocked me, I had no idea any of this happened to anyone else in the word. I was egar once more, to talk to that girl, so I immediately dialled her number.
"Hello?" The voice on the other line was sweet and mellow.
"Hi, it's Megan from the forums. I've read your email and I'm utterly shocked, I just cannot believe that someone else has experienced this. You see, I had this patient who told me all about a horrifying picture that she found one day while she was scrolling on the internet. Every week she would come back, each time worse and worse, and tell me how everything she could think of was the picture. One day her husband emailed me and told me that she had committed suicide. He also asked me to help, I just want to give him answers."
"Mmhm. That's very unfortunate. You know, I've been searching for years for someone, someone that has a similar story as me, someone that knows about the picture, and I finally found someone. But I dunno, maybe I should just give up and forget, like everyone else. But I want to help people who are going through this, I want to make people notice, so that no one else will die."
"Me too. Maybe we can discuss more about this another time, I'll save your number and we can talk."
She hung up. I left to meet Travis.
The conversation with Travis wasn't awkward, I mean how could it be? We're trying to find out why Julie is dead, what exactly caused her death? I told him everything I knew, of course he wanted to know more, but I told him not to worry about it, that I would do all the researching, if there's anything to even find. He might not even believe me, maybe he thinks I'm totally deranged. But either way I know something that he doesn't, I know information about Julie Brown, and he's not going to shut me out.
Then the day came. I was casually scrolling the internet when I saw a link to a website with a clickbaity title on the Yahoo front page. The title read "This image will give you nightmares forever! Click if you dare.." I thought as if it was going to have information, I never crossed the thought that it would show me the image? I clicked on it and was terrified by what was there. I cannot explain any of it, I'm too terrified, every minute, every second, every hour, I can't get it out of my head. Is it happening to me? Oh gawd is it happening to me!?
The image. The image. The image was all that was in my head. The rest was pure blank. Am I losing my mind? Am I? AM I? It flooded everything and everyone, all I could see was that horrific image dancing around in my head, I was being overcome by pure insanity. When I looked at people all I could see was the image. My nights were sleepless, I couldn't take it anymore, I had to talk to someone.
"Mrs. Peterson?"
"You blanked out for a moment, are you okay?"
"No, no I'm not, please, I saw an image,"
"Right, the image."
"It's in my head, it's everywhere, no one can help me, no one. No one can help me. No one. No one can help me."
"Mrs. Peterson please calm down, I assure you you're okay, I can help you. I will help you."
"NO. You don't understand, you CAN'T help me. You CAN'T. I'm going to die soon. I'm going to-"
"Now Mrs. Peterson calm down, you're not going to die soon, you're not, don't worry. Now please tell me, please tell me what triggered this, so I can help."
"Yes. Right, the image. The image is what triggered it. The image. The image. It's all I think about. It's killing me inside, and soon on the outside too. It's going to kill me, forever. And there's no way you can help. There's no way anyone can help. I've seen this before, they die, they all die. From the image, the image."
"Please tell me about the image Megan. And please look me in the eye. I know it might be hard, but you're fine, now look me in the eye. and tell me what image you're talking about."
"I CAN'T. They told me not to tell, only share, only share, only share."
"Share what Megan?"
"Share the image. It'll put an end to this, right? No, no it won't, I'm stuck like this forever,"
"Look at me Megan, you're going to be okay. Now all be right back." I sat there shaking and imaging the picture, I tried so hard not to, keep myself together, but it isn't no use. How come Julie was more calm about this? Did I see a worse image, a more scaring one? No, there all the same, they all do something to you, change you. Each blink, each inhale, each exhale, the image. It was there, it was apart of me. They told me to share it, they told me to tell other people about it, and maybe I should, maybe it'll put an end to all of this. Wait, what am I thinking? They told me this would never end. They told me I'll be haunted forever. But I don't want to be alone on this, I don't want to die alone.So here, here you go. Click on the image. Click if you dare.. And die with me..
Don't View it
HorrorI'm going crazy, aren't I? Or is it the image. The image. Please save me. Please.