The Storm Starts

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We arrived at the coffee shop and we got out of the car. I hid under the hood of my jacket as we speed walked to the entrance. By the time we got there we were already pretty wet.

We got in the coffee shop and waited in a line of only two other people. I got out my wallet because I remembered I was paying for the both of us.

We got to front of the line and Thomas ordered some drink, I wasn't paying much attention, I was using a lot of my energy not to worry to point of an anxiety attack. I know that sounds crazy, but it was not far from a reality for me.

I ordered my drink, as much as I tried to sound confident I ended up speaking meekly and quietly.

Thomas and I went over to a small a table booth. Obviously we sat on separate sides of the booth.

There was an awkward silence before I checked my phone. Three missed calls from Washington

Washington was my teacher in high school for the debate class and U.S. History. I was teacher's pet, but only in his classes. He was more of a friend or idol than a teacher. He acted like my father or something.

Shit. It's never good when he calls this much. I decided to call him back.

"I'll be right back" I said awkwardly getting up from the booth.

I went over to the bathroom and went inside and locked the door. I went into my contacts and called Washington.

"Hello Alexander" I heard Washingtons voice come through the speaker.

"Hey Washington..." I said pausing, not really knowing what to say.

"Is everything okay?" Washington said in a genuinely caring voice.

"Why wouldn't everything okay?" I said as I started pacing around the small bathroom.

"The storm and stuff, I know you...don't like storms" said Washington, obviously being careful with his wording by not saying "afraid of storms"

"Well...obviously..." I said quietly

"What are you doing at the coffee shop?" Washington questioned

"How did you know I was at the coffee shop?!" I practically screamed into my phone. Wait did he-

"I'm tracking your phone"

"I told you not to do that!" Washington had gotten a tracking device on my phone which he used too often.

"Well excuse me for caring" he defended. "Anyways do you need me to pick you up?"

"No, I'm fine,"

"I'm not letting you walk back to your dorm in this weather!" Washington said, sounding kind of worried.

"I'm not walking either"

"...Did a friend take you?" Washington questioned.

"No" definitely not a friend. I regretted saying no- how was I gonna tell Washington that Thomas and I went to get coffee together?

"...Okay I'm confused. You didn't walk there, but a friend didn't take you? Then who did take you?"

I shook my head at the question and sighed. "Thomas,"

"Thomas? Surely you don't mean-"

"Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson." I said simply. Hoping he wouldn't question me anymore.

There was a silence. I think that the both of us just didn't know what to say.

"Oh. Well it's good to hear you guys are finally getting alo-"

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