chapter one whats the worst part?

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The worst part? Well, to tell you I would have to list everything, because I cant decide I  dont know if it was that night that my dad pulled the triger on himself (the gun was unloaded) or the bully, or the cutts on my arm, or when people ask if im ok, and i say im fine, or when they believe me. Or its when my best friends dont ask. They see right  through the fake smile, through the forced laugh, through the watery eyes that they dont even seem to notice. Or when they dont even notice the bloody cutts on your arm, or the bully that made me create them, and if they did notice,  they didnt care. Or when I was replaced by a girl that hates my gutts. I can't decide who cares and who doesnt. So I mean the worst part?  Is probably being alive.

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