What is it now, Rosinante?

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An irritable groan escapes your lips as you walk through the icy streets leading to Rosinante's house. The tall blonde called you at 7am, demanding that you come and check out his new puppy.

Honestly, why couldn't he just wait until noon or something?

"Good morning~!" Some stranger waved to you as you walk by them, you force a smile and polite wave in response, muttering a simple 'Morning~' before your hand fell back into your warm pockets. The harsh winter weather brushing against your face.

Good morning my fucking rectum...

Finally stopping at his front door, your hand has to abandon your warm pocket once again to knock. A few moments follow and you hear a thump, followed by a smash. A sigh leaving your lips as you already imagine the scenario. The man tripping over something, yet again...as always.

The door opens shortly after, although your tall friend is nowhere to be seen, looking down you see a young man with a frown etched into his features and dark circles under his eyes. "Oh...?Hello?" You politely hum, trying to greet the young boy kindly but he only walks away, leaving the door open for you to enter.

"Cora-san, your girlfriend or whatever is here." The boy grumbles as he makes his way into the living room. You follow behind him, only to find Rosinante picking up the flipped over coffee table with a pale blush on his cheeks.

"She's not my gir--C-Careful, Law! There's glass everywhere!" The dark-haired boy completely ignoring Rosinante's comment and taking a seat on the sofa, his dark eyes gluing themselves to the gory movie that played on the TV. 

Well, isn't he a little charmer...

You decide to help Rosinante pick up the large shards of glass while he sweeps up the smaller ones. The blonde leads you into the kitchen and scoops it all into the trash before he turns his attention to you, a happy-go-lucky smile on his face. "Looks like we'll need more glasses for Christmas." the blonde chuckles, drawing a giggle from your lips as you throw away the broken pieces you held in your hands. 

"Just like last year...and the year before. You gotta be more careful, you can't keep breaking glasses when there's a puppy running around, he'll cut his little paws." You scold playfully, the male's laughter coming a halt as his face falls serious. 

"Yeah...well...about the puppy..." Rosinante's amber eyes quickly shift to the kitchen door, the male quietly approaching and closing it before speaking. "There is no puppy. I've actually adopted that kid in there~!" The man flashes you one of his famous goofy grins, instantly causing your body to tense.

He's not being serious...

Not really buying into his story, a scoff leaves your lips as you fold your arms over your chest. "Oh, I bet." You hiss with sarcasm lacing your tone, leaning against his kitchen counter lazily. "Because if you were to adopt a child, I'm sure it'll be a miserable little shit like that kid." Your comment earns a nervous hum from Rosinante as his hand comes up to the back of his neck, giving it a sheepish rub.

"He's...a miserable little shit, yes. But he's got good reason to be." The male begins, his eyes all of a sudden losing their usually cheerful shine as they drift down to the kitchen floor. "You know the orphanage my brother runs? The kid has been there for years now. Since he lost his whole family." The sincerity in his voice brings you out of your mocking state, knowing that he's being serious when his voice falls quiet like that. "And no one ever wants him because of his attitude. You know, he's got those circles underneath his eyes because he struggles to sleep at night? It's believed that he suffers from post-traumatic stress." With each word brings a pang to your heart as Rosinante's eyes start to tear up a little, the man bringing his sleeve to his eyes to dry his tears.

"So...you took him in?" You murmur the obvious, receiving a nod for a response. "But you don't know the first thing about raising kids!" You reach over, grabbing a roll of kitchen towels and ripping off a sheet, handing it to Rosinante, to dry his eyes on. "It's an admirable thing you're trying to do but that child is broken--"

"I plan to fix him." Rosinante blurts over your sentence, his voice fully serious as he dries his eyes on the sheet. His lips forming a weak smile as he casts his gaze up to your face. "But I need your help to do so."


"I'm not good with kids eit--"

"J-Just...look after him while I get him an Advent Calendar? It's the first of December and in the orphanage, they don't get Advent Calendars. Nor do they celebrate Christmas. We could make this year good for him~!" You couldn't quite help the furrowing of your eyebrows at Rosinante's suggestion. 

If he hasn't celebrated Christmas since being with his family, wouldn't this overwhelm him a little?

"...Fine." You sigh, still not liking the idea but you know Rosinante, once he has an idea in mind, there's no changing it. "Go get the damn Advent Calendar, I'll just watch...whatever horror that is with him."

This is absolutely crazy, impossible. None of this will fix that boy, none of it will bring his family back. But you couldn't help the flutter in your heart at Rosinante's determination. He really wants to make this child, a child that he doesn't even know, happy?  

"Thanks, [F/n]~!!" The blonde coos, picking you up in a hug, the tall man literally sweeping you off your feet before giving you a back-breaker of a hug. A small wheeze leaving your lips as you struggle to breathe. "I also need to pick up Christmas decorations~! A tree, tinsel, lights, stockings~! I wanna make this the best Christmas he has had in years, [F/n]~!" 

Why does this man have to be so sweet and cute? But so stupid...

With what energy you had left to muster, you finally return Rosinante's bear hug, a small smile spreading across your lips at the contact. "Fi-Fine, I'll help you the best I can..." In response to your words, the blonde puts you back down, allowing you to finally catch your breath as the goofy grin begins to make a re-appearance on his face.


"Yeah, I wouldn't lie, would I?!" With a pout on your face, you fold your arms over your chest. The action only brightening Rosinante's smile even more. "I'll ask the kid what sort of things he likes and try to brainstorm some gift ideas while you're out." You clarify, Rosinante grabbing your shoulders and giving you a rough, cheerful shake.

"YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH THAT MEANS TO ME, [F/N]~!" The man releases you as he speeds over to the kitchen door, swinging it open and making his way into the living room, where the boy still sat watching TV. 

"Law~! I'm going out to get you an Advent Calendar~! [F/n] will look after you while I'm gone, have fun and be nice to her~!!" The blonde blurts, not giving the dark-haired boy a chance to respond before he rushes out of the room and grabs his feathery black coat.

You hear the front door slam shut before the boy, or more-commonly known as Law, sends you a glare. "So, let me guess...You've always wanted a kid and your boyfriend tried to adopt one for you and now you're pissed off because you've been lumbered with me?" Before you could even respond to the kid's question he continues again, his eyes shifting toward the window. "So your boyfriend is on his way to Doflamingo's to get me taken back to the orphanage, right? That's usually how it goes." You could barely take in what the kid was saying, your mouth falling open at his words.

That's what's happened to the kid before? Poor thing...

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