Lego Rage.

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You sit on the couch with your coffee, watching as Rosinante lifts Law, the dark-haired boy pinning up the last part of tinsel. Of course, the man only loses his balance and tumbles to the floor, taking the kid down with him. 

Your reflexes managing to swiftly put down your coffee and to catch Law just in time, before he hit the ground. However, Rosinante wasn't so lucky. The blonde falling head-first into the wooden floor, his long legs sticking up in the air. "I-Idiot!" The young boy in your arms yelps crankily, a frown etching into his features as you place him down on the floor carefully.

"You okay, Rosi?" You giggle as the male staggers to his feet, a pale blush spreading across his face as he nervously rubs the back of his head. You notice a crimson liquid run down his cheek as he nods, Law making his way toward him. 

"His head is bleeding," The boy murmurs, you could hear the hint of worry in his voice as he tugs Rosi over to the couch. "Sit down." Law's voice all of a sudden sounding professional, for a little boy. Rosinante shockingly doing as he was told and sitting down, his amber eyes looking to you in surprise as the boy looks at his head wound. 

His father must have taught him this.

"Do you need anything, Law?" You ask in attempts to be helpful, the child nodding his head as his dark eyes glance up at you.

"Something to soak up the blood, I need to see if his head needs stitches." The thought itself sends a shiver racking up your spine as you rush into the kitchen, grabbing the First Aid kit and a tea towel.

Not the best thing to use for a bloody wound but it's better than nothing.

Making your way back into the living room, you hand the items to Law, taking a seat on the couch behind him and watching as he patches up Rosinante's head. It was quite alarming, a child so small working on such a tall adult so efficiently. "Can you see properly?" Law asks, earning a simple 'Yes' from the blonde. "And you're not feeling dizzy?"

"No, I'm fine," The male mumbles, a deeper blush rising to his cheeks as Law wraps a bandage around his head. "Just hurts like hell." Rosinante chuckles, although you could tell he was slightly embarrassed. He always cursed himself on his clumsiness but you found the trait rather cute, well...when it's not terrifying you, anyway. 

"Done." Law states as he ties the bandage, the boy starting to neatly pack away the medical supplies. "Try not to fall asleep anytime soon." You couldn't help but smile at the child. He's such a hateful little shit but behind it all, he really does seem to have a heart of gold.

"That was kind of you, Law~" You praise, the words seemingly shocking the young boy. His eyes widening and mouth falls agape briefly But he's quick to shrug it off and pull up his usual grumpy expression. 

"I only did it because if he dies, I go back to that shit-hole of an orphanage." Still as charming as ever. Your eyes just about springing from your skull as you witness Rosinante harshly swat the young boy around the back of his head.

"Don't be rude to [F/n]." Of course, your first instinct wasn't to thank the man for sticking up for you. But rather to swat him around the back of the head for raising his hand to a kid.

"Don't hit him like that, you idiot!" What you hadn't expected was for the child to grab your hand before it could make contact with Rosinante and snatch it away, the blonde still flinching, expecting the slap nonetheless.

"Don't hit someone with a head injury! Are you trying to kill him?!" Oh yeah, forgot about that. A giggle leaves your lips at the little boy's maturity, Rosinante raising a confused brow as Law pouts. "Why do you laugh at everything?! You're as creepy as Doflamingo!"

"It's just you!" You giggle out, the boy's eyebrows furrowing even more at your comment. "You're so smart for someone so young! It just surprises me a bit is all~" You clarify, causing the boy's expression to change. Although, you couldn't really see what to since he ducks his head, his hat hiding his features as Rosinante chuckles. 

"He sure is something else~" The blonde agrees, picking up one of his shopping bags and taking out a small box. "Since you've been so helpful, you can have a Christmas gift early. Have you heard of lego, Law~?" Rosinante chimes, waving the box in front of Law's face, the boy taking a peak at it from under his hat.

"Lego? As in...let go? Like tug-of-war or something?" The child asks plainly as his eyes squint at the box, the poor thing clearly trying to read it but is unable to, most likely because Rosi won't hold it still. 

"No, it's a strategy sort of thing." Rosinante murmurs, reading the back of the package as he explains. "You get block pieces to make a spaceship with and you just have to follow the instructions to put it together. It's basically a modelling passtime."

"I don't need a stupid piece of paper to tell me how to make a spaceship out of blocks." The boy grumbles, earning a slight pout from Rosinante and a smirk from yourself. Let's face it, he's screwed without the instructions. 

This will be interesting to watch. 

About 45 minutes had past and Rosinante put on a DVD named 'Elf' to entertain himself because he had gotten tired of watching the boy continuously fail to build the spaceship but refuse to use the instructions provided for him. However, you found it awfully amusing. The kid's face beginning to pour with sweat as his dark eyes fixated on the miniature blocks more and more with each minute.

"What the fuck?!" Law all of a sudden grunts, making you jump slightly as his focus crumbles. "How is anyone supposed to do this?!" The dark-haired child picks up the box the pieces came in, roughly scanning the instructions before his eyes fall into more of a glare than they were already. "Three plus? THREE PLUS?! A FUCKING TWENTY-YEAR-OLD COULDN'T DO THIS SHIT!" The boy yells in pure aggravation as he launches the box, managing to hit Rosinante in the face with it, making the man's body jolt at the unexpected contact. 

With a giggle, you reach out, pointing to a part of the model, Law's eyes following your gesture observantly. "Do you think that piece you're holding goes here?" You ask simply, already knowing it does because you had skimmed the instructions earlier, while Law was too focused on the ship to notice. You knew that if you told him to put it there, he would only throw a tantrum over being told what to do so best to be sneaky about it, right?

"I don't know." The boy huffs, giving it a try. His little face lighting up as the piece slots into place perfectly, not too big or small like the other parts had been. "It does! How did you know that?" 

"I just winged it~" You giggle, feeling slightly guilty about lying to him. But the child refuses to be manipulated by a piece of paper so what else could you do? You gave him a few more pointers as you watched him put the rest of it together.

Once finished, the boy rushes over to Rosinante with the spaceship in his small hand, giving the blonde's trouser leg a tug to gain his attention. "Cora-san, look! We did it!" For the first time, you actually see the boy smile, a genuine smile too. 

Oh no, he's cute. 

"That's great, Law~!" Rosinante grins widely as he pulls the boy up into his lap, his eyes casting over to your form as you sit down next to the pair on the couch. You had honestly hoped that the more comfy seating would aid your cramped legs.

Next time I help a kid with a lego model, we're sitting at a table or something. Not on a hard, wooden floor!

"Great job~" Rosinante hums, obviously knowing that if not for you, Law would still be sat there raging about the gift rather than enjoying it. Although, his grin soon disappears when Law speaks. 

"This elf acts like you, Cora-san." The boy bluntly mumbles as he watches 'Buddy the Elf' lose his mind over Christmas. The comment earning Law a frown from the blonde.

"I'm not that goofy, you brat!"

"Are too."

I hate to say, I actually agree with the kid on this one...

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