Part 4

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I stared at him in horror. What kind of human being has two hearts?

'Are you mad?' I whispered.

'Oh, yes!' he grinned. 'If you're going to travel with me, the first thing you must understand is that I am definitely a mad man with a box. But you're not listening again. I'm not human, I only look human. Well, technically, you look Time Lord.'

'You're really not human.'

'No, I'm Time Lord, do keep up.'

'So, Doctor,'  I began, 'if this thing really is a time machine-'

'Which it is,' he interrupted.

'You can take me anywhere? Any time?'

'Yep. Only, I can't cross our time streams. Rips a whole in the space time continuum and all that. So, no visiting dead family or anything. Had a friend who convinced me to do that once...' The Doctor suddenly stopped talking, but the uncaring light in his eyes returned just as quickly. 'Right then. All of time and space. Back before anyone notices. Where do you want to start?'

'Battle of Hastings, 1066,' I declared immediately, excited. 'My favourite story. How in the name of soufflés did Harold die?'

The Doctor looked up at me, a twinkle on his eye. He abruptly flipped a number of switches and pushed a maroon button. Looking me straight in the eye, the mysterious man yelled,

'Hold on tight!'

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