The Castle of Dreams [ Merlin & Arthur Pendragon]

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Merlin POV

"You utter, idiot." Arthur sneers, and I wince as I dodge yet another vase.

He looks at me and frowns, plopping onto his newly-sheeted bed. "Did you really not trust me?" He asks, looking ashamed, and I felt guilty.

Of course I didn't! I mean I trust HIM but not his clot pole father.

"I know sometimes I-" he starts. "I hurt you and yell at you, b-but I don't mean it. I want you to trust me."

I take the chance to comb my eyes over his body. Morgana tried to kill me, and him being him, he jumped forward, getting a sword to the chest. He's otherwise unscathed, but I had to reveal my magic.

I shudder remembering the pain.

----------------------earlier that morning---------------------

"Guards!" Arthur yells down the corridor, gathering his sword and chain mail, urging Merlin into his room with Guinevere and Gaius.

"Stay here." He strains, and Gwen huffs in disappointment, as he was clearly talking to Merlin.

"You need to help him, Merlin." Gaius says, shoving him towards the door.

He scrambles to the handle, and it unlocks quickly.

Did he just? Oh who is she kidding...

He sprints down the hallway, when he stops in his tracks and turns around. He gestures both ways, "Wrong way." He mutters, blushing.

Guinevere chuckles, gently clicking the door shut, turning to the court physician.

"He's magic isn't he?" Gwen asks knowingly, and he just smiles.

"Of course he is." She says, beaming. "He's good for Arthur. Grounds him." and Gaius nods in approval.

"It seems he is."


Arthur's POV
Morgana and I are circling each other, me with my sword, and her with her power.

"Arthur!" I hear Merlin yell, and I take the opportunity to face palm.

Oh god, why?

"Emrys." She sneers, and I look at Merlin with a grin.

"Who, Merlin? You think he's the most powerful sorcerer?" I joke.

She scoffs, sending a fireball zooming above my head, scorching Merlin's shoulder.

I hear him scream, and charge Morgana, getting tossed across the room.

I blink away black spots and I hear Morgana and Merlin chanting to each other, sending out bursts of fire and ice into a large wave in the room.

Wait wait wait.

"Arthur!Arthur!" Merl, Emrys screams, reaching for my chest. I flinch away, gasping in pain, and block out his voice.

All I hear is my heart beating erratically.


I get tired quickly, and I let him lay me down, placing his hands on my chest. I feel myself drifting, blood pooling the floor around me. I feel around for my sword.

'In my chest , then.' I think, fluttering my eyes closed.

"Mer-Merlin, thank, I'm sor, you helped me so many times and I-"

"Shh." He cooed, and I see a faint glow through my eyelids, and the burning, excruciating feeling replaced by a cool one.

'So he saves people now? Dollop head.'


No ones POV
When the King woke up he was fuming.

Not at Merlin. He proposed he knew all along, and that his 'act' of surprise to Morgana was fake.

He was angry that Merlin hadn't told him himself. That he didn't trust him enough to tell him that he was the most powerful wizard of time.

"Sorcerer!" Merlin chimes in, and Arthur rolls his eyes.

It annoyed him that the clumsy, idiot could be so...great. But he knows deep, deep, deep deep down, that he always has been. He's seen how selfless Merlin is.

He had shown Arthur how he has saved him so many times. Sir Valiants Sheild of snakes, Nimueh, the Great Dragon, the Questing Beast, Alined's jester! Trickler, and so many more.

But he hasn't just saved him from monsters.

Not that he'd ever admit it.

Arthur was more than happy to burn Lord Agravaine at the stake, sending out a search through the woods for Morgana.

Which of course, Arthur being a prat, leaded to the knights ( and Merlin ) to the Valley of the Fallen Kings.

"No one knows about it!" Arthur protests as Merlin stops his pony to raise his eyebrows at the king.

"Then what's that?" Merlin asks , gesturing to the hollering bandits charging down the hill.

"Percival! Cover him!" He yells, shoving Merlin onto the mans horse.

"Hold on." Percival says, swinging his sword wildly.

A group of bandits are cowering over Arthur, who's laying pinned to the ground.

"Arthur!" Merlin yells, extending his hand, mutter his magic, sending the group into the trees.

"I could've handled that." He mutters, picking himself off the ground, glancing over at his sorcerer.

His eyes widen, seeing him standing in the middle of the path, and man galloping at him with a mace twirling in his hand.

Before he could yell for him, the weapon impacted his shoulder, and he tumbled to the ground, his limbs splaying across the forest floor.

The last words the boy heard, was his king calling his name.

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