the promise I made to you

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I felt a week arm around me I see I'm over someone's shoulder I stare at them " let him go " I said I see zeref been carried to I see a person called ultear she was carrying me she drops me I fall with a thud " why would I do that I didn't want you I my way " she said and chained me up to a tree branch upside down and zeref is chained to the bottom of the tree burst his hands I just swong around the tree moving from the wind zeref woke up " morning " I say " morning " he said looking up at me then back down then shot his head back up and stared at me " careful when you stand I will either shoot down or get pulled up higher so be careful " I say he's smirking and gets up and starts walking over to me I get lower and then I was face to face with him " hi " I said with crossed arms next thing I'm ban electrocuted " ahhh " I scream in pain zeref looked in pain " I could always switch you too around I shake my head " it a little electric nothing to painful " I say they do it again no scream I see zeref crying " please stop I'll go with you if you let her go " he said " NO WAY IN HELL ARE THEY TAKING YOU ZEREF DRAGNEEL I WON'T LET THEM... or I broke the promises I made to you and her " I say " pitty I guess I'll have to kill you then bonus I guess you'll have to see her die think about all that thrilling screams oh I get tingles thinking about it oh " ultear said in exitment her men pull zeref back "NO HELL FIRE PLEASE DON'T DO THIS " he said I felt a shock I don't scream I keep it in the pain turns to anger fast "YOU MADE ZEREF CRY " I yell I burst into flames I do a battle cry "HELL FIRE DRAGON SHADOW ROAR " I say it hits ultear and her men she drops to the ground I hang there I am hire up when they pulled zeref back suddenly I'm on the floor I see zeref looking at me my feet are still chained I run over to zeref I grabbed his hand when I suddenly jersey back and hit the branch when zeref got launched away from me I see him what he is I do not know then black

I woke up in what seemed like the vuild infirmary I saw the first master talking with zeref it reminded me of our child hood even though mavis was really young I learned zeref had talt her magic and she talt many others and I talt zeref most dark magic from my clouded past that's the only part I remember of them 9 years missing from my memorise

*flash back *

Still hell fire p.o.v

" mavis zeref I'm here " I yell I came to see mavis I an infirmary this is my darkest memory I remember I see mavis layer in a bed she came and visited from her guild called fairytail we were 14 and 13 I was shocked " my dark firefly " she said stocking my cheek zeref took of earlier " can you promise me something firefly " she speaks so weakly I nodded " look after zeref and protect him people will try to kill him your his fate and he is your fate join my guild if you find him and promise to see my in my guild " she said " I PROMISE I WILL PROTECT HIM MAVIS I PROMIS EVEN IF IF IT COST MY LIFE DOING SO I WILL PROTECT HIM " I say I heard her heart stop I was so so depressed and everyone is loved died or disappeared including zeref I was searching for him for 4 years I came to magnolia and found it out it was the home of her guild I went in after my dad disappeared

* flash back over *

Hey guys hope you like the chapter look forward to seeing you in the next one bye

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