Chapter 4

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I thanked the red headed cashier with the cute nose ring and took my bag. She smiled at me. "I remember when my hair was blue. Who did your dye job? It looks great!" She said to me.

"I did it myself!" I smirked.

"No shit?"

"Uh.. I certainly did NOT put feces in my hair.." She laughed at me and told me my hair looked cute.

I thanked her once more and walked out where I had overheard some teenage girls giggling over a poster.

"I can't wait!"

"What We've Become is amazing!! I'm stoked!"

"The singer is soooo hot!"

"Joel is TO cute!"

"Do you guys ship Jaxwell!?"

"Joel and Maxwell? UH NO! Joel and John John for the win!"

I raised a brow. Joel? Maxwell? Those are two boys.. Ship? Is that another one of those internet things? I don't know but their talking about but it has Joel in it so it must be something about his music-genre-thing.. A gig!

I walked over and tapped one girl on the shoulder. "Uh.. Excuse me.. Is this about their gig?"

They looked at me confused. "You mean their concert? Yeah it's at Freebird around 7. You going?"

I thought about it. "I suppose so. Where is Freebird..?" I guessed that it was some kind of building.

The blonde of the group pointed to a large building that had people already lined around the gate. "You might wanna get their soon though, it's gonna be packed!"

I nodded and thanked them before walking back down the street toward my apartment. It was around one in the afternoon.. I had time.


In my apartment I changed to a casual pair of skinny jeans, and a loose fitted white dudes tank top that had a picture of Derek Sanders from Mayday Parade on the front of it, and a pair of red vans. Looking at the time, the clock read one, so I figured by the time I got there, everyone else would already be there and we'd have to set up for sound check.

I was nervous as all get out, which meant tonight would be a killer show since my nerves always seemed to get me to play more seriously. "Time to kill it!" I announced to myself in the mirror, smirking.

I grabbed what I needed (but probably wouldn't even use, let alone take out of the car) and left, speeding like a maniac through stop signs and red lights till the top of the venue building was in sight. My phone started vibrating when I was blocks away, and pulling it out, I saw it was my friend and band mate, Maxwell.


I could hear a crowd of people in the background. "Yeah I'm here." I felt the need to speak up, though there's no way I could over all the people I heard. "What's up?"

"Where are you? Everyone's here and we can't find any of the mics or their chords." He sounded panicked, but, as always, he was probably overlooking them.

I sighed and pulled into a crowded parking lot, searching for a spot to pull into. "I'm parking now." I rolled my eyes and found a spot, of course, in the back, and pulled in sloppily.. Thank God I can somewhat drive stoned. "take a chill pill."

"I'll meet you!" He called and I could hear a gate opening and closing, then another louder, heavier door, and then nothing but screams of girls.


I made my way to the closet while my hair dried, humming one of those cool rock genre songs I had heard earlier. What do I wear to a gig?? Maybe I should shoot a text to Jason or something? I'm not sure.

I looked through all my clothes. Church dress... Church dress.. Theatre costume.. Church pants.. Jeans.. Some cute shirts.

Glancing at the clock that read: 3:30, I nodded. What was there to wear? I decided to text Jason and ask what should be worn to a gig, his response...

Jason: I'll be right over.

I didn't invite him over! But.. It would be rude to send him away.. Maybe just this once since he is helping me out here.. I was pulled from my thoughts by the sound of knocking. "Coming!" I called, walking out in my leggings and sweater.

I opened the door and smiled. Jason gasped. "Oh my god." He said.


Finally Maxwell made it out to my car, girls having had stopped him for photos and asking him to yell into their rolling cameras, "can you say you love me? Say happy birthday to my best friend?!"

I was smirking, his face giving away exhaustion already and his walk revealing that he was also excited still. "Hey man." He tried sounding casual.

I chuckled and shoved my hands in my car, grabbing my guitar and then leaning against my car once I did. "Still freaking out about the mic stuff?"

"Maybe." He muttered like a two year old, and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Can you blame me? Look how many people showed up!" We turned and looked at the line of people starting to wrap around the venue. Even if most of these people weren't here for us specifically, it was still nerve wracking knowing there was so many more eyes watching you & discovering you.

"Guess not, come on, I'll lead you through the mob and we can try and find those mics."

"Finally you're good for something." He joked, smiling behind me as he trailed along.

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