Mrs.Horan XXX

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5....4.....3....2....1 WOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!!

everyone screams at once. Niall grabs me and kisses me passionately. He brings me closer and whispers... "Happy New Year. I love you." and kisses me once more.

I turn, his hand still holding onto me. I watch everyone in the crowd kissing and smiling. I couldn't help but smile myself. I looked to see if Niall was smiling too. He was...His Blue eyes lit up with the lights of the big city.

We walked over to the screaming crowd of fans, pushing and shoving behind the barrier, and waved and talked to them. took a few pictures.

One girl tried to hug me but Paul pushed her away..i wanted to hug her but he wouldn't let me.

"Sorry." I tried to sound sincere...

I quickly scanned the everyone around me to try and get a glimpse of Devin. My best friend.

She was here with liam and I imagine there off somewhere being annoyingly in love. I wonder if me and niall are that annoying when were together...? hmm.

Paul began pushing us toward the waiting limo. everyone went in with there date..hand in hand.

First, Perrie and Zayn. Then Harry and Louis. Then liam and Devin. And me and Niall..

"Emma! come here!!" shouted Perrie from across the limo.

I gestered for her to come over to me. She crept her way over to me.

she sat down on my lap, obviously a little drunk.

Wrapping her arm around my neck and shoving Nialls out of the way she said. "Im so glad you could make it hun! The girls and I have missed you!" "Thanks Perr. I missed you too." 

With perrie hogging me..Niall, being obviously frustrated. signals Zayn to get his girl.

He happily obliges. With Perrie off my lap, and feeling returning to my legs. I look at Niall.

I didn't really Drink. Niall drank Beer but he handled it well. He was a happy drunk. and I liked that. I was too, but rarely was I ever drunk.

He looked back at me. Pulling me on his lap I hold onto his neck and stare at his blue eyes.

He leans up and kisses me softly..

Not letting go of Niall I turn my head to look at harry and Louis. Completely infatuated with each other. Harrys arms around Louis. with Louis staring deep into harrys green eyes. slowly kissing him every now and then.

I smile, and get butterflies and the sight of them being so open.

We arrived at the hotel. We wait for Paul to get around to the door and open it. We all pile out, being pushed and shoved and Flashes blasting in out face. we shield our eyes and scurry to the door.

Niall leads me to the elevator. everyone piles in and begins laughing and chanting. I smile at the fun everyone is having. im having fun to...its just..i have a lot on my mind.

We exit the elevator. Niall laughing with everyone else, but still holding onto my hand he leads me to our room. Pressing his lips to mine he pushes me inside the room. Before shutting the door we hear everyone cheering.

He pins me up against the wall.. he practically rips my clothes off..licking and nibbling down my body as he goes. leaving little red marks... I pull at his hair, moaning. He strips me of my dress and heels, he looks up me. asking for permission to continue, which I gladly give. He unsnaps my bra and disguards it on the floor....somehow he took his clothes off to..i guess I was to infatuated with his mouth that I didn't notice. I pull his bare body close to me. he picks me up, straddling him he carries me to the bed....



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