Chapter Eleven

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The next day they decided to discharge me. They told me how to keep my wound clean considering i'll be on the road a lot and they gave me some pamphlets on Self Harm and Depression and some medication to recover from the wound and from surgery. We were back at Warped now, it was 9pm and I was sitting backstage with Sleeping With Sirens while Mitch was on stage.

I'm still thoroughly upset about the surgery. The fact i'll never be a mom and Mitch will never be an uncle make's me want to throw up. I've dreamed about having children since I was a little, always the girl you saw with the dolly in the stroller and treating my pets like I would my children. I'm...devastated, to be honest. I'll never have the 2 little girls and little boy i've wanted my whole life. I didn't realize I was crying until Justin reached up and wiped away a tear that was rolling down my cheek.

"You okay?" He whispered. I just nodded, rubbing my eyes to stop the tears. He stood up, took my hand and pulled me to their tour bus. He shut the door behind us and led me into the back lounge. Once in there, he sat down, pulling me into a hug where I proceeded to sob.

"It's okay to cry you know, no one will think any less of you" He said quietly, rocking me slowly. I nodded and cried and cried for what felt like an hour.

"Want to watch Star Wars?" He said, smiling at me. I laughed and nodded my head. He got up and dug out the DVD, placing it in to the player. He walked to the kitchen, pulling out some oreo's and some flavoured vitamin water. He pulled a blanket from his bunk and walked back to me, sitting down and throwing it across the both of us. He pulled me into another hug and I rested my head on his chest.

At some point during the film we fell asleep.


Mitch's POV

It's been a couple of hours since i've seen Rio. She was backstage one minute and when I looked over the next she was gone. I walked over to the guys from Sleeping With Sirens.

"Hey have you seen Rio?" I said, wiping the sweat from my face with a towel.

"I think she and Justin went off earlier, they'll probably be at the bus. We're going back now, come with if you want" Kellin said. I nodded in agreement. They got up and we walked to the bus. Kellin unlocked the door and we all walked up the stairs in to the front lounge.

"I'll go see if they're here, one sec" Kellin said, walking through to the back lounge. Gabe, Jesse and Jack threw themselves onto the couches, grabbing beers as they go and offering me one. I took one and sat down on one to the couches. Kellin walked back in with a grin on his face. I raised my eyebrow at him, he put his finger to his lips and nodded his head in the back of the bus. I got up and followed him in to the back lounge. What I saw brought a smile to my face. 

Rio and Justin were asleep on one of the couches, his arm round her and Star Wars playing on the tv. You always get those over protective older brothers who shoot whoever even looks at their sister, but i'm not one of them. Yeah, I always worry about her but I could tell she'd been crying and Justin was obviously trying to help. Besides, Justin's a good person, can't say a bad word about him really. I followed Kellin back out of the room.

"She can stay here if you want, it's not a problem and she looks pretty tired" He said.

"Sure, if that's alright" I said. "I should head back to the bus, tell her that'll i'll come to get her in the morning?"

"Sure, see you tomorrow Mitch" Kellin said, the guys called out their goodbyes and I headed back to our bus.

"Where's Ri?" Alex said as I walked in to the bus. The guys were all sitting in the front lounge watching Adventure Time on tv. I threw myself down next to them.

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