I was pacing on the huge rock overlooking the sea. The waves were splashing about the rocks quite rapidly. It was a cloudless night, the moon and the stars were lighting up the whole beach which was empty at this time, on this side.
He told me to meet him here at 9. His voice was really urgent on the phone. That’s why I had to lie to my parents(something I don’t do very often) and come here telling them I’m going to Claire’s to get my notebook back from her. It’s 9:15. It’s almost time for my curfew and I can’t break my curfew, my parents would be so mad. He knows that so where is he?!
He came and hugged me. He was out of breath.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Come here, sit with me.”
Okay. I did not like the sound of that.
“Please just tell me what is it?”
It was pretty obvious it was something horrible. His face reflected immense sadness. He suddenly looked older than 13, much older. He took a deep breath, ran his hand through his hair and sighed again before finally speaking up.
“Helen…. Dad just told me that… Well, he said that we’re moving away…”
“What?” I barely whispered. “You’re going away?”
I burst into tears and he hugged me again.
“Why?” I managed to ask between tears.
“Some business thing I guess. But please don’t worry, nothing will change between us, I’ll only be an hour away, I researched, I’ll come meet you every week and-”
I burst out laughing which really surprised him.
“You’re so cute you know. And so sweet. But we’re far too young for love, even though it seems like I can’t like anyone as much as I like you.”
“Hey, I know this is love, I’ve heard teenagers talk about it when you want to stay with someone forever, it’s love. That’s why I want to give you this.”
He took something out from his pocket. It was wrapped in a golden paper. I opened it. It was a necklace, with the symbol of eternity in between, two white stones on the side. Oh, it was beautiful!
“Eternity. ‘Cause that’s how long I wish to be with you.”
“I love you.” I said, believing the words as soon they left my lips.
“I love you too and I always will.”
We hugged one last time, he kissed my chubby pink cheek and left, promising to meet me once more before he leaves at the New Year’s Festival at 12 am, near the lake. That was three days later. I ran back home arriving just a minute before my curfew and fell asleep wearing our eternity…
11:58 pm, New Year’s Festival
“Honey, would you like some candy floss?”
I looked at my watch again. Oh no! Just two minutes left!
“No mum, not hungry, gotta go see you later!”
I ran past the crowd. Ughhh! There were just too many people! I have to get to the lake!
“Excuse me- sorry- oh please- I’m so sorry!” I screamed when I knocked over someone’s ice cream in a hurry.
“#@$$%^&&^%$#@@!” The person cursed behind my back.
I looked at my watch again, ohhh less than a minute left! Oh God there was a grandma walking in front of me and she was literally taking FOREVER.
“20…… 19……. 18……… 17………. 16……….”
“Excuse-me-please.” I said through gritted teeth managing a polite smile trying hard not to push over the old woman.
“Oh! My bad, sorry sweetheart.” She chuckled.
She gave me some space and I ran through.
“5….… 4….. 3…..”
There’s the lake! I’m there, almost….
There go the fireworks. I finally arrived. The lake reflected the colourful blaze of fireworks and it was absolutely amazing. I was mesmerized in the beauty of it all and there was noise all around me, people screaming and wishing each other a happy new year. It took me a while to realize I was the only one there. There was no one at the lake. No one around it.
Josh did not come.