Living In The Past {DaiSuga}

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It was the past.
It was haunting me and I was still living the past.

Daichi Sawamura was struggling with life. It haunts him every day.
"Daichi?" Hinata asked with a sad look written all over on his face. He was sad for me because I was still living in the past.

On the night of the past, Suga and I were walking to the gym under the night's sky full of bright stars, and the moon. Both of us were quiet, it was not awkward like it should have been. We enjoyed the unspoken words. I was in love with Suga, but he did not want to ruin it. It was the one wish I want to come true. I was scared of losing the love of my life.
"Daichi, you make a scary face when you are in deep thoughts," Suga noted. I turned to his right to look at Suga and started laughing. I wish that I knew that before the event happened. I wish that I could go back in time to save him.

"Daichi, don't worry about it! I can toss it higher!" Suga answered. I smiled as he tossed my favorite toss, I spiked as hard on the right side of the court.
"I TOLD YOU KAGEYAMA! LET ME HIT YOUR TOSS!" a orange-haired boy yelled at a navy-blue haired boy with a annoyed face.
"Oh look who is here!" Suga noted as the duo came over with a happy aura around them.
"Suga! Give me tosses! The idiot over there would not give me any!" Hinata whined. Suga gave me a look that suggested 'Oh, Let me take care of those children.' and I nod at him giving him all my support.
"No, Hinata you could practice something different. Like serving or receiving the ball?" Suga told him in his motherly voice. Hinata understood what he meant and began to practice by himself with Kageyama receiving his serves.
"Nice job, Suga!" I cheered him on and he looked away with a small frown that was hidden away from the first-year duo.
"I have to leave Daichi," He told me in a quiet voice that I only can hear him, "Support them with all of you ability and promise me that you would not live in the past." I nod, not understanding those words that night.
I was too fucking late to save him.

In the dark cloudy morning, I was sitting in my classroom until the door slide open with sheer amount of force that I thought it was broken.
"DAICHI! YOU NEED TO COME RIGHT NOW!" My best friend, Asahi, yelled in pure despair. I stood up do fast that the chair was sent flying behind me, almost hitting my classmate.
"What is wrong Asahi?" I asked in confusion. Asahi just gave me a look that mean 'Please just come, it is important'. I stood up, excusing myself to go with Asahi.
By the time, I went outside, the whole team was waiting for me. I noticed Suga was the only person that was missing. Somehow, that moment I understood why the whole team was so worried. Nobody said a word, but we walked in an awkward aura. I looked around in the area we are in right now, it was the route to the hospital. My anxiety was rising because I want to know what happened. Five minutes later, we entered the hospital which is a very clean area that smell like lemon-scent cleaning products and death itself. This was putting my anxiety to maximize, and I started to panic.
"Daichi, Suga want to talk with you," Asahi told me with raw despair, "He is in room 102. Go talk to him and tell him how you feel." I turned around and gave my best friend a hug that had some untold words, but both of us understood it. I back away and gave Asahi a small smile letting him know that I was feeling better. I quickly walk to Suga's room and knocked on the door with a small frown written all over on my face.
It was too much for me.
"Come in Daichi!" Suga replied to my knock. I entered in a hurry and look at him dead straight in the eyes with worried written all over me.
"Sit down with me Daichi, and listen to what I have to say about something important," Suga glanced away from my face into the glass window with a small frown on his lips.
"Daichi, I want you to know that I love you so much that it pains me every time I see you smile or do something normal which make my heartbeat go crazy. That was the moment I knew I was in love with you and I still am, but my time is very limited here. I told you Daichi, please don't live in the past for me. There is always a second chance for you and I to meet up in a different lifetime and I have a feeling we will. Please support the rest of the team with the best ability and live on for me. I, Sugawara Kōshi, love you Sawamura Daichi. I know we are young and all of that bullshit, but will you marry me?" He asked in raw emotions stuck inside in his voice.
"Yes, I, Sawamura Daichi, will marry and I love you too so much that words can not describe my love for you, but this can explain my written love for you in the stars that nobody can't stop us," I leaned in, kissing his forehead, the I moved onto both of checks, and lastly his soft lips. He kissed me back with emotions that we did not need to say, it was all written in the kiss. Both of us pulled away due to the lack of oxygen.
"Can I stay by your side for today?" I asked, smiling. He nodded in response with a smile also written all over his face. I latched my fingers to his hand as both of us looked for something in our bags.
"I have a ring for you!" Both of us said at the same time as both of turned around with a black box in our hands. Suag started laughing and I followed along too.
"Give my ring to me first, please?" I asked in glee and love. He nod as he open it up. It was a gold-band ring that had a saying which is 'Watashi wa anata o shinsoko aishiteimasu' (I love you to the moon and back) craved inside of it with a small diamond that is shoes like a star on the top of the ring.
"I love it, but it is my turn to give you your ring!" I smiled softly as his eyes widen from surprise. I opened up the ring box and got on my knee.
"Sugawara Kōshi, will you make me happy for the rest of my life and marry me?" I asked in hope of him saying yes.
"Yes, you fucking idiot! I love you so much!" Suga screamed in pure joy. I put the silver-band ring that had a phase craved into the ring which is 'Anatahenoai wa kesshite kieru koto wa arimasen' (My love for you will never die) with a small diamond on the top on his left-ring finger.
"I love it Daichi!" He smiled in pure happiness. I grinned and both of us yawned. Somehow, we end up falling asleep with our hands entwined together.

"Why Daichi been gone for awhile? Is he okay?" Hinata bombed Asahi with questions bout the missing pair.
"Let go check on them, but be very quiet when we enter the room! Do you understand?" Asahi told the whole team as they nod in understanding. Everyone was walking quietly as they made to room 102 with unreadable face expressions written all over their face.
Asahi opened up the door slowly, to their surprise they found Daichi holding Suga's hand as he slept in the chair next to Suga's bed. Asahi caught a view of their rings and a huge grin was written all over on his face because he was happy that they finally told each other feelings.
"Tanka and Noya, look at their left hands," he whispered slowly to the second-year duo.
"They fucking did it!" Both of them whispered back to Asahi. The smarter first-year duo caught on without anyone telling them. But Hinata and Kageyama were clueless about what was happening.
"What is happening right now?" Hinata asked in a silent whisper.
"Daichi and Suga are dating and they might get married!" Tanka whispered loudly. Hinata and Kageyama finally understood what was happening now.
"We should back out and talk to them later," Asahi grinned as he look over his shoulder. Everyone agreed and mocking his actions.

That day was the last one.

In 16 hours, Sugawara Kōshi passed away from lungs cancer. Daichi was crushed, knowing that something was wrong but not like it. He wished that he could spend more time with his husband. They got married that day before his death. It was Suga's last wish.

That was the moment Sawamura Daichi was living in the past.

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