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Harper POV
"Yeah it was but we need to get out of here before they follow us." Charlie spoke, looking around. "We can go to my hotel, if we move fast enough they might not catch us." He chuckled. He told me the address and I began to drive out of the crowded parking lot.

We reached Charlie's hotel and rushed up to his room before any reporter or camera could catch us. I sat on one of the sofas and watched Charlie pace around. "Are you okay?" I asked. He began to hum a tune and sat at his piano. He began to trial different cord progressions that fit with the melody of the words he was mumbling. I admired the slight song that was pouring from his lips. 

A smile plastered on my lips as his voice filled my ears. My mind was in a trance as his voice rang through the large hotel room. I stared at the view outside of the window. His Liddell improvisation lasted a few minutes and I checked through emails. The music stopped and I looked over to Charlie. He was sat on the piano stool, scribbling on a notepad. "Writer's block?" I asked. He looked up at me for a second and said "no, I'm still figuring out this situation."
"Situation?" I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows.
"I just- I didn't expect the industry to be like this. I have to fake date someone to promote a music video." He spoke, leaning on the top of the piano.
"Show-business." I sighed.

I continued to check emails while Charlie was in the kitchen. "Hey Charlie," I called. He walked back into the room and sat next to me on the sofa. "Yes." He smiled. I looked down at my phone and began to recite what I read. "Dear Harper, this is Marissa again. With the music video shoot coming up in a week, I want you two to become closer in public and show signs of flirtatious actions. I also would like you to post more photos and videos along this time period and even tweet indirectly about each other. Signed Marissa." I rolled my eyes and looked back at Charlie.
"Well, it begins." He smiled.
"What's your idea for the music video?" I asked, resting my head on my hand.
"Well there's two, dangerously which you've probably been emailed about-" he laughed. "And suffer, but suffer is coming out after dangerously. I kind of want to incorporate dance into the music video and make it sort of like a story like the song. You know, fighting for a girl who is hard to get." He spoke.
"I didn't think you were a dancer," I laughed.
"I'm not, but I want to try." He smiled.
"Okay, so which video am I going to be in?" I questioned, looking into his huge, chocolate eyes. "Both, but we need to practice suffer first." He spoke, meeting my eyes.
"Well, I have a friend who owns a studio. So I'm sure if you want to practice now, I can call." I spoke, adjusting my body placement.
"We have no dance," he stated.
"I took dance for a few years, we can work on what you think is best." I smiled. He nodded and I called my friend.

I hung up the phone and turned to him again and said "let's go." We hopped in my car without being swarmed with press and began to drive to the studio. The car ride was silent beside from the light, quiet music pumping through my stereo.

<I'm back, continuing this part in the next chapter. I'll post tomorrow.>

Number 23 - [Charlie Puth]Where stories live. Discover now