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“Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Fifteen year old Cole Snoke hit by an eighty eight year old man in a Lamborghini! Placed in a comatose state! Parents, Hemza and Phoenix Snoke Devastated! ” The paper boy yelled out continuously, waving the packets of rolled up news around. Many people taking interest of the information about the richest families son in all of Italy, being in a coma.
The stench of bleach and medicine stained the walls of the hospital, slowly creeping into Hemza's nose as he walked swiftly through the halls. His destination was room two hundred fifty six, where his son is currently located.  He came to a stop in front of the wooden door, Hemza’s hand halfway to the handle. What if he looks different? What if he doesn't wake up anytime soon? What if he doesn't wake up at all! What if he wakes up, and doesn't remember me or Phoenix!  These thoughts raced in his head as he finally touched the cold handle of the entrance and peeked in.
Cole sat in a field of black tulips, looking into the darkened sky without stars nor moon. His black, thick hair slightly blew back as a sour tasting wind blasted his face causing him to squint his unnatural purple eyes. He tried to stand up slowly,  but his wrist seemed to be stuck in a deep muddy substance. Birds, crows to be exact, hovered in the air, singing their nasty screech like songs harshly. A booming voice rattled through the air “Cole.”  it roared, “Do you know why you're here?” Cole tried to answer but his mouth wouldn't produce any words even when he tried to scream.“Let me tell you. You are here  because I’m simply bored. Entertain me!” Cole tried calling for help but he still could even muster a whisper.
Hemza sat near Cole’s bed, taking hold of the dead like hand. A tear slipped down his face as he examined the boy he had raised with Phoenix. The hand he was holding was small and pale like a baby’s would be, the thin lips that had once been a bright pink had lost its color and the boy had a huge scar going down from his neck all the way to about his belly button. It seemed horrific to Hemza, but he could live with it. He glanced at the black tulips that had been left earlier by Phoenix himself, sadly work had called him in for an important meeting that no one was allowed to miss. Hemza sighed, Phoenix put to much water in it making it muddy, he got up and transferred the tulips into a different vase for now.
Cole had been sucked down into the muddy substance quicker than a bullet train, it being so unexpected he had no chance to take a breath. The mud was filling his lungs making them feel like hot embers in a fire. The second he thought he was going to drown, he woke up.
The room was lit up by torches on the wall, a heavy scent of oil and smoke was inhaled by Cole as he looked around. “Two hallways” the intimidating  voice was back. He turned around while scrambling upwards, two hallways had in fact been there, one looked bright and cheery while the other dark and murderous. “Choose wisely boy, one will lead to your certain doom, while the other might just get you out of here” Cole looked into both halls, the dark one wasn't very ‘I’ll get you out of here’ looking and the bright one became deliciously tempting. He walked into it, only ten steps in and a door slammed down, making escape impossible as the room went into a shade of blood red.
Hemza jolted up when he heard a door slam behind him, when an old cranky looking doctor stormed in. He was fatter than a cow, smoke tainted hair stood up on his head, beady little bird eyes bored into the sleeping Cole, and his beefy hands holding a meatball sub up to his greedy gullet. The red meat juice dribbling down his chin and onto his shirt, seeming to be blood. “ This little boy,” he started laughing “ you brought this skinny little boy here- AHAHAHA- THINKING WE COULD HELP HIM! -AHAHAHAHA- HE MIGHT SURVIVE A WEEK WITHOUT LIFE SUPPORT,” he started to calm down a bit, “ but then again, who said we were going to even give him that. That would cost you your entire family fortune,” the old doctor smirked evilly.
“ NOOO,” Cole screeched loudly running back and banging on the brick door, making his knuckles bleed “LET ME OUT,” he screamed as harshly as he could. That's when a knife embroidered itself into his shoulder, the tip of the sharp blade coming out the other side with blood spurting out everywhere. He looked down at the bloodied knife unable to manage a yelp. “Ah-aa-ah” it was almost like he swallowed his tongue once more because of the pain and terror feeding his mind.
“Do you like my present~,”  The voice had appeared once more, “Because I sure did. Your very entertaining~ Amuse me more~,” The booming voice had disappeared just as fast as is came leaving Cole alone with a bleeding shoulder and the knife as more had started launching towards him.
Phoenix rushed out of the Snoke enterprise building faster than a tiger beetle on steroids. He wanted to get back to Cole and his husband immediately, even though the chances were slim of Cole waking up anytime soon, he wanted to be there when he did. Dashing through the city he kept yelling at people “ GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY,” Literally throwing people out of his way he plowed into the hospital not even bothering with the staff, right up to room two hundred fifty six. Launching himself through the door he looked at his husband, Hemza, who was crying silently  from the news he had received earlier.
Cole tried to dodge the knives but he failed and gotten impaled multiple times. Blood starts trickling out of his mouth, down and over his chin, the metallic taste was overwhelming, he started to hunch over and cough harshly. Falling to his knees he was now covered in his own life source, the sticky substance had begun to weld itself into the ground, taking Cole with it. Almost making a type of chrysalis over him as it now starts burning into his skin slowly, seeping in and taking over his body. A large scream finally escaped the prison of his mouth “HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLPPPPP MEEEEEEE PLEEEAASSSEE,” and then, he woke up.
Hemza and Phoenix stared at each other for what seemed to be an eternity. Looking into one another's eyes, seeing the pain and sorrow flash through them like a bolt of lightning. How could they do this to them, why wouldn't they put their son on life support, why wouldn't they give the boy a second chance? The answer was simple. That old beady eyed doctor had a grudge on the snoke family ever since they had fired him because he was being “to lazy”. His chance for revenge had finally come, at the cost of their only son. He sat on an old wooden stool in a dark  corner of the room, watching them carefully, and ever so closely. He could sense the clear sadness that was etched into their minds and took great amusement in it, his thoughts dark and riddled with madness. Oh this is very entertaining, amuse me more with your sadness and fear for your son.
Cole had open his eyes once more, he wasn't covered in blood and knives were no longer impaling him, in fact he felt stronger than before. This is when he had started to touch and prod his own arms and legs making sure that any of this was even remotely real. He looked up and saw stars, falling from the heavens above. He couldn't keep his eyes off the unimaginable sight before him. Brilliant blues faded to a light green as the dusty trails flowed behind the flaming rocks that came crashing down to the earthy soil and scattering everywhere. Unfortunately, the price for beauty is pain. As the flaming stars had kept crashing downwards onto the earth, they seemed to be getting closer to hitting the poor boy. Finally realizing what this new form of torture was, Cole forced himself to tear his vision away from the beautiful sight and got up as fast as he could without falling back down. He willed his feet to take him away from the spot he was previously in, just as one of the molten rocks had come down on it. A blast of heat and scorching wind mixed with ashes knocked him over. “ WHEN IS THIS GOING TO END,” but nobody heard him, and nobody came.
Forcing himself to get up, The old sadistic doctor approached the door not wanting to be noticed. That didn't happen though as phoenix had punched the wall next to the doctor's head, the force so strong the marble had cracked. “Why,” Phoenix’s voice was horace and in a whisper “ Why would you do this” His hand started trembling and watery tears threatened to spill.
The doctor only grinned like  the Cheshire cat and motioned for him to come closer. He went and put his greasy face right by his ear “ payback~,” Phoenix stiffened and the water damn broke, pooling up and over,  making wake in it's tracks. The old doctor chuckled and walked out of the room, leaving the two husbands alone to drown in their own sorrow and tears.
Cole trudged up the hillside, his body now covered in ashes and the stench of smoke was imported into his skin, along with his now half burnt clothing. He looked up at the now orange sky, the horizon was up in flames, it was creeping up on him fast, seeing as the entire hill side was covered in grass. He could hardly move as he took the final steps to make it to the top. The stars had stopped raining down earlier at some point. He sat down, his mind clouded with horrid thoughts. I’m never going to make it out of here alive. I just want to wake up… or fall asleep.. whichever one will grant me freedom from this place. Maybe if i just died I would be let out… no that would never work…. i’ve already died twice going on third when these flames from hell eat me alive… who would do this to me…. just kill me now
Cole groaned in frustration, his thoughts had now created a small headache and the fumes of the fire didn't help any. “This is getting boring now. Hmm let's spice it up a bit!” That stupid voice was back again. He curled up into a ball preparing for the worst. “ OOO I know! Gunpowder!” The sky darkened by the black powder, peppering it around and up the hill. The flames flared up instantly, approaching him quickly from all angles. He couldn't do anything about it for he couldn't quite run through the fire, he'd burn up faster then. Cole sat there awaiting his death silently as the flames had just started to lick at his toes.
Hemza ran a hand through phoenix’s flaming red hair trying to stop both of them from crying anymore. They sat holding each other by the dead like Cole, wanting him to wake up soon and intercept their worries. The room was getting stuffy and hot so as they sat there the body heat they were giving off plus the stuffiness of the room had them sweating like pigs, practically drenching  their clothing. A nurse came in demanding they leave. So they did, but would be back at first light.
The heat was getting to Cole as the flames had started engulfing him whole, burning his dark black hair off and charring his skin. He looked almost like a burnt marshmallow at this point and the pain was unbearable. He couldn't describe it. Imagine pulling out a KFC chicken wing from the bucket, the outside is nice and crispy, then take a marshmallow, the inside is melting and turning into sticky goop, put those together in the shape of a human and you get Cole. Melting and crisping together at the same time. But, even though the pain was so harsh, he didn't give the voice the satisfaction of hearing him scream anymore.
Cole’s world had started to go black. At first he thought that it was the voice messing with him again. No, in fact it was the heat making him faint slowly and the fumes of the smoke intoxicated his mind as he passed out. Then, he woke up.
Hemza sat on his bed, waiting silently for Phoenix seeing as he was in the shower. Tear tracks had stained his face and his normally green eyes were now puffy and red. He pursed his thin lips and ran a hand over his short brown hair and laid back, bouncing on the mattress slightly.  He just wanted this to be over and his son back. He regrets telling Cole that he was adopted but he would have to eventually find out.
The door downstairs was blasted open by ten men. Each with dark black trench coats and fedoras on. It was the Italian mafia, The snoke’s owed them over ten thousand dollars from back in the day and never payed them their dues. Thundering footsteps could be heard going up the stairs, and any doors in the house being broken into. Hemza panicked and dove into the closet, slamming the white slide door and breathed deeply through his nose.
Phoenix just hopped out of the shower, he looked into the mirror and saw his lifeless hazel eyes. Out of nowhere tears had started racing down his face once more thinking about their son. I knew he wasn't going to take it well. We've kept him in the dark for so long. He didn't even know, I can't believe that he believed us when we told him that he was my ‘girlfriend's’ son before I liked guys and that she died. Why were we so stupid. The door crashing to the ground had forcefully pulled him out of his thoughts.
“You owe us a lot of money, we never got it back, now it's time to pay your debt,” the leader had pulled out a revolver and held it up to phoenix’s head “Now say your last words,” he spoke in his gravelly voice and cocked the gun.
Phoenix had tears flooding from his eyes but spoke in a loud clear voice “ Put me out of my misery,” he challenged and glared at the mafia boss. BANG!
Hemza was curled up in the closet trying not to give himself away, but to no avail, the main door to the bedroom was kicked open by mafia boss. The sound of chairs and the bed being thrown and moved around grew louder as they got closer to the closet. “GET OUT HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT I KNOW YOU'RE IN HERE SOMEWHERE,” The mafia boss had hollered out and shot his gun onto the floor with a huge BANG! Hemza whimpered a bit and instantly covered his mouth with his sleeve. Unfortunately that little noise was all the mafia boss needed to snap his head towards the closet doors. “Found you~” He flashed a wicked grin and instantly shot the gun, not in the mood for the useless pleads. BANG! 
    Cole opened his eyes and looked about. He was on a roof top of the city, the sun was at its peak and for once it didn't seem like he was going to go through more pain. A small amount of weight appeared in his pocket. Feeling around he got a good grip of what seemed to be a handle. Pulling it out he saw that it was a simple black handgun that policemen would normally use. Inspecting it Cole had started thinking. What would i need this for, protecting myself? Or something else. Even the ammunition is full.  Getting lost in his thoughts he didn't even notice his parents appear tied up in front of him. They had been gagged and blindfolded by a thick cloth, their hands bound by an even thicker rope. Cole finally looked up for a second and looked back down at the gun. Then he thought  Wait just a second was that… He saw his poor parents against the walls in their binds and started to tear up as he realized exactly what was expected of him
“No,” he whispered forcing his head down “No, no no no, this isn’t.. No please lord no,” he begged silently to whatever was out there.
“Yes! Yes in deedliy doo Deary!” The voice was here yet again practically cheering for what was going to happen next. It had wanted to see him in more pain than before, so why not emotionally and mentally instead of physically!
Cole had finally broken, even after all the pain from before he had not cracked under the pressure. He couldn't do this to his parents, the only ones to ever actually even give a crap about him. “No, No, No, NO,NO,NO,NO! WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY,” he’d started to wail and cry.
The worst thing had started happening. It was if his hands had a mind of its own and cocked the gun. His head was forced upwards by an invisible force of power, looking at his squirming parents. But the more they struggled the tighter the binds got, freedom so very far away from them. His hands aimed directly at phoenix’s head, fingers on the trigger. If he tried to look away or shut his eyes it was if somebody had started prying them open and kept his head turned directly at his dad. Tears spilt out of his eyes. BANG!
Phoenix was dead right in front of him and he was the murderer. He wanted to go to his knees and crawl on over to his dad, sadly his body had other plans as the gun was cocked again, aimed straight at his papa Hemza. “No No No please no don't make me kill him too please no,” his face was red and eyes puffy.
“ You act as if you have a choice~ how cute~” the voice replied and it was if time stopped. The bullet just left the gun and was headed towards Hemza in slow mo. His entire world crashing down as he screamed at the top of his lungs “PAPA!” BANG!  He finally fell to his knees and morned in sorrow and guilt. Then he woke up.
The dark cell he was now to call home was overrun with shadows that whispered awful things. Cole sat curled up in a ball at the back of the dreary cell with shackles around his wrist, believing each and every word they whispered into his ear.
“Look at the little murderer,pure filth isn’t he,” the first one murmured.
“Yeah,the little monster. He deserves to rot in here,” another said in a hushed voice
“Aww look the little baby's going to cry guys,” Said an oddly shaped one
“Bastard deserves to be here, in the hell of his own head,” the one in the back whispered.
The shadows started surrounding him, not being the least bit forgiving for what he’d done. Can’t blame them,  He thought. I'd be just like them if i found out they killed their own parents. He shoved his tear stained face into his arms and tried to shut the shadows out, their words cutting deeper than knives.
In the hospital doctors and nurses were running everywhere. They had just found out that the old grumpy doctor had refused life support for one of the patients and they were quickly losing him. It doesn't help the fact that they had also received news that this specific patient’s parents had just died due to the Italian mafia. The compressed shocks weren't working and the boy had stopped breathing about two minutes ago. “CLEAR” the main doctor yelled and held the shocks to Cole’s lifeless body again this being his last try. The room had gone silent, almost completely. The only sound present had been the endless bleep of the heart monitor. Everyone held their caps in their hands and kept their heads down in shame, seeing as this was the very first time they’d lost a patient.
“Oh boo~ you're no fun anymore. Besides I'm satisfied for now, so you stay here until I get bored okay boy.” The voice came again, cole couldn’t respond afraid of breaking down again if he even opened his mouth or cracked a peek through his eyelids. “Just go to sleep. You were never awake anyway. You were Asleep the entire time. If you just fall asleep again you'll be out of your misery until you wake up,”  the voice persuaded him. If he were to fall asleep he could get out of his hell for at least five minutes. He relaxed his eyes instead of squeezing them shut for a second. Then, he fell asleep, never to be woken again.
“Good riddance you little nuisance. You were entertaining for a while, but you just got more bland and boring. I suppose it’s time to go pick another person to amuse me. Oh hello. Have you come to play for me. Don't worry you'll fall asleep by the end of the day”.

Hi! I'm sorry this is a little jumpy and everywhere but please I'm glad that you bearded with it until this point! It looked ten times better in Google docs..... I work on this for about five days so I would really like feed back even though I already turned it in. KEEP ON PARTYING! DJ MASTER WOOLF OUT!

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