"I'm disappointed in you Richard." He sauntered towards me.

This isn't Vinny. *Angelo says, clearly distressed.

Then who is it?

The same energy from the poltergeist is radiating off him. He's possessed.

"What do you want?" I hiss.

"A trade. I'll give you your child back in exchange for Devin. I'll even let this poor boy who I'm inhabiting go."

"You don't have him, the council does."

"I control the counsil." He laughs as if this was a hilarious joke.

"And what does my family have to do with this?" I growl.

"You and your child are a threat. The only reason I haven't killed you is because I can't figure out how. As for your son I'm still working on him, he's a stubborn son of a bitch like his parents." A small bit of pride swelled inside me. 

"I'm using Vinnys body because he's an innocent like fuck who you'd never suspect."

"What about Devin?"

"He's carrying my child of course." My eyes widen, "and so is your precious baby brother. Since your mouth can't possibly drop any lower I guess I should explain. When Vinny and Devin slept together I possessed him. Your brother, who nobody ever knew was a fertile except me of course. When him and Mikey had sex I possessed Mike. See how this works? I need powerful little helpers."

"What are you?" I sneered.

"The devil himself." He grinned.

R*Angelo what do you know about Satan?

A*He fears God, trembled at his name. It won't kill him though.

R*We need him dead

A*It's not possible to kill him

R*Then how do we get rid of it?

"In the name of God I command you to flee!" Desperate times come for desperate deeds. (A/N does anyone know where that reference is from?)

"You can't get ride of me that easily." It snarled, this was hard as all I saw was Vinny but of course it isn't him. I only hope he has no idea what's going on.

I took a step forward, "but I will." I say with confidence. It growls lowering its head. I take another step forward. Eyes turned black, sharpened nails forced their way out of Vinnys fingers. "Don't raise your claws to me."

R-  It's fear.

A- What?

R- Fear is what he feeds off of. If there's none he will leave for good.

A- He still has your child Rick.

R- I'm trying, help me Ange.

Angelo bravely steps forward, Chris close behind.

R- Just to be safe I asked Matt to tell Mike where we kept the crucifix.

A- Good, we need everything we got. Tell Mike to get salt to.

R- Does that shit even work?

A- On evil energy, so yes because Satan is an evil energy.

After minutes of not breaking eye contact everyone came down. Mike was carrying Matt, Ryan was carrying Devin. They stood behind me, my fear for them returned but they had no fear because of me. I held up the rather large crucifix while Angelo recites things in Latin. The ones not occupied with another threw salt. The thing inside Vinny screamed. Tears ran down Devins face, this was killing us all.

I walk in front of him grabbing his collar and reminding myself that this wasn't really Vinny. "Tell me where my son is and we'll stop."

"I won't tell you but just so you know he's a perfect reflection of his parents." He hissed.  With a scream a black swarm left Vinnys mouth, he fell to the floor gasping. Devin got out of Ryans grasp despite his pain and practically crawled to him.

"I'm sorry, he made me." Vinny sobbed.

"Baby it's not your fault. Shh."

"I saw and heard everything." He whispered, pain evident in his eyes.

"It's ok, you're ok." The held each other crying. Emotions washed  over  me, it was gone, Matt and Devin were pregnant with spawns of Satan, nobody's dead, my son is still gone. My knees hit the floor before Ryan could catch me. There's nothing but emptiness yet I'm completely full. Ryans mouth was moving but no sound came out. Everything blurred except faces. I'm brought back by a scream, Vinny was covered in blood, Josh was trying to help but it was to late.

"Dev?" I gently lay my hand on his back.

"Don't touch me." I wrap my arms around him. He collapsed against my chest, the last time we were in this position was when Sage was taken. His sobs made my heart wrench, we all lost Vinny and Devin and I's sanity was already running low. Ryan wrapped his arms around the both of us.

"We need to bury him." Devin sniffles. Chris, Angelo and Josh walked out to dig a grave, I told Mike and Dakota to stay. "It needs to be by that oak tree we always sat by." Devin calls after them.

Once they were gone and I was able to pull myself together, I needed tell them.

"Matt show me your stomach." He gave me a wierd look but did it anyways. Sure enough it was swollen also. I set my hand on it, tiny amounts of energy came from it.

"Is there something wrong with me?"

I sigh, "with you and Devin yes." I explain everything the devil said. By the end they just sat there looking terrified. I wrap my arm around my brother who seemed to be taking it harder. "It's going to be ok, we'll figure this out."

"I pregnant with a fucking spawn of Satan, it's not going to be ok!" He exploded.

"I guess not but we'll figure it out just like always. You trust me right?"

He nodded, "please do it fast."

Idk how that happened but I just killed Vinny 😭

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